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Everything posted by TheBotnetGuy

  1. please have a lokk at the code that i am trying to implement, I want to have different proxies in different browsers please advice where i am missing something or where my code is wrong define Ini threading { if($comparison($list total(%Proxy List), "<", #JobsCount)) { then { alert("The Proxies are loaded Less then Jobs to do") stop script } else { } } increment(#numCount) increment(#Tcount) Rutine to thread() increment(#Proxy List Counter) } define Rutine to thread { thread { in new browser {
  2. Hi, I want to scrape some particular emails From a page that has emails updated daily. The way that i want to go is scrapping all the page and then find a email format using Regex and then add that to a list. This is the second part of the first video. This one I actually put some more finishing polish on the email scrapes by prepping them to be actual working email addresses. Some of the more common ways to prevent them from being useable I reverse the process so that they can be used. mushykingdom79(at)princegeorges . net subsequentspeci (at) grant.com uttergiant42 (at) princegeorge
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