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Everything posted by erkkimies

  1. Good day. Yesterday i tried open some bot i made a while a go and it popped up the xenocode postbuild 2008 error. So i tried with another computer and same thing. Getting same error when trying to open up Ubot studio itself. I haven't really updated anything major on these computers and have also used the bots maybe month ago last time, also got them still working in virtual machine. I tried the stuff which i found from support to delete the xenocode folder @ appdata/local/ but it didn't help it seems. Anyone had this kind of trouble before ?
  2. Good day. Im creating torrent uploading bot and i have problem with sumotorrent. If you go to sumotorrent.com and choose upload, then press something (onclick js?) it will give a window which is above all other stuff. Normally when opened with browser this seems to be just a popup or popunder but now it just floats all over the screen. It will go away in like 20 sec i gues but thats too much time to wait in my opinion. Thanks
  3. Well it says C:\DomainUBOT\grankcmd http://www.amazon.com >> C:\DomainUBOT\rank.txt should probably be C:\DomainUBOT\grankcmd.exe http://www.amazon.com >> C:\DomainUBOT\rank.txt also you could change the >> C:\DomainUBOT\rank.txt to >> rank.txt so it would go to same folder automatically. also if you have the compiled bot in same folder shell grankcmd.exe http://www.amazon.com >> rank.txt
  4. I have yahoo.co.uk creator its ok. Takes sometimes 2 or 3 captchas to make it but well does the job. You could also look for nokia's OVI accounts. No need for proxies or anything. Only downside you need use IMAP for getting your emails instead of pop3
  5. Good day. As stated in title i cannot figure how to get around this. Its the button in youtube to delete vids in my videos. When bot presses the "delete" it hangs at "click chosen" and doesn't progess to click dialog button. I could use some other program to handle the dialog but would rather keep it with 1 program thnx
  6. wasn't moneybookers an option too atleast at some point ? I have account but forgot which email i registered with and can't find the confirmation Email so These come in handy. Thnx
  7. This is actually pretty easy. . Here is how i made it, though i used the spin and added most common email services there. email.ubot
  8. Okey sweet, Thanks for help Need really take look into while thingy. Have been using Automate so much and its goto so though the subbing out of loop being good idea
  9. Then how can i get out from the loop if it will loop pretty much infinite(actually came up with some kind of plan.make it set loop to 1, then it should have done it and wont loop again ?, but stil}. And if you check the Youtube comment scraper i attached its working just like that .
  10. No thats not the problem only problem is when it should run the sub "valmis" i put the first Run sub inside it becosuse it did not work otherwise. I dunnno this really have not happened before. The problem is It runs the sub "Valmis" But after that it continues running from where it says "Run sub" instead of continuing to end of the script after Sub "valmis" Normally i use the run sub to hop some place mostly out of the loop. This has worked before For example in This Youtube Comment scraper check it out Comment scraper.ubot
  11. Okey. Sorry, was bit probably bit angry last night due the error and spent time trying to figure it out. Here is the bot in attachment. it also has folder called data which has some information for lists so you don't need open them every time. Youll need some kind of list of URLs tho, should not be a problem the "RSS" open file box is not needed since i did not get that far yet. Also You need put the data folder to your \program files\UBOT\ since the developer tool runs from there. For some reason it did not let me upload with attachment so here is DL link http://g5y.net/erroz.rar
  12. Well i think i described the problem pretty well. I have sub outside the loop and run sub inside. It does like it should and runs the sub. But then it just continues from the "run sub" which is inside the loop and keeps looping instead of continuing from the sub . I don't recall having this problem before and i have used this succesfully in few other bots i made.
  13. Soo hello. Im making a bot and the idea is to put urls in list untill the list runs out. Then i have if for list position = list total. And if thats the case run sub which is out from the loop. But after it have run the sub it hops back in the loop . How can i make it not to do that. After all Urls are put it should just go to next site not start fucking it all over. Thnx
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