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Everything posted by n311

  1. yes it seems working, but now when i try to open the exe file, it opened with the ubot loading, then it closed, then it opened again with the ubot loading. Keep repeating same way. The bot just try to login openai can you give me some tip Seth?
  2. wow This is good Seth, thanks But I tried it on the search.google.comhttps://search.google.com/search-console , i cannot run the browser command like click, type text or others. It seems google block it. Because I tried with other page, it works. Is they any solution? And btw, why the ubot saying like below when i opened the compiled exe file using installed-chrome? it kept like this forever UBot Studio is Loading… Relax for a moment while we set things up.
  3. Hi Seth, where can i get this? I m using ver 6.7.21 Ubot studio X developer edition
  4. @bestmacros : yes it is, but i found that i need to use if-then scenario which i'm lazy to do it @illmill : This is great input, can you explain more detail why it will still leaving a trace despite of the user agent ? It used proxy, clear everything even flash cookies before browsing and it use a referrer to hide the track. Can you give input so we can make the best safe browser in the world by ubot
  5. I aware of that I just tried to be simple and not to spent too much time. Tried to change the user agent, it involved quite a lot of codings and variable, need to use if-then scenario. Because of that i passed the user agent. Will love if somebody can make it more perfect
  6. I just have free time, and needed to check frequently in same sites without leaving a trace. So i build this bot. Don't know if you can make a use of it. Just trying to share something Here's the code: ui text box("Proxy IP ( xxx.xxx.xxx : Port )", #Proxy) ui text box("Proxy Username", #ProxyUsername) ui text box("Proxy Password", #ProxyPassword) ui text box("URL Address", #URLAddress) ui button("Run") { clear cookies shell("cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q \"%APPDATA%\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\\"") set referrer($spin("\{http://www.facebook.com|https://www.google.co
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