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Posts posted by juicehunter

  1. Looks like someone was drunk when they shipped the release.

    It is a function that most of the time comes with a auto generated function, mostly the result from Resharper.

    for example


    public void Example()

         throw new NotImplementedException();


    This can of course never happen if they actually test the code they wrote...

  2. Thanks and um what's the decryption key? :)

    Juiceme, is the key, I know at this point not really protective. But we planned back there to make one big open source plugin out of it with all bell's and whistles. Basically like the include command seth introduced much later, but they wanted a way to protect the ubot code that was included.

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  3. Hollander waar kom jy daaraan dat ek jou taal praat "lag nou baie lekker :D ". Dis goed om te sien dat ek iemand kry wat Afrikaans kan praat. 

    Afrikaans is oorspronklik die Hollandse taal, daarom is dit vir ons so maklik afrikaans te verstaan en praat. Kyk maar na jou vlag, is 'n Hollandse vlag met wat groen, zwart en geel daardeur.


  4. Dan, question about profiles, again ;) I've noticed that loading FF without a profile is fairly quick. However, loading a profile takes a considerable amount of time the first time ExBrowser is launched. Any idea why this is the case and can anything be optimized about the profile? I realize this is obviously not caused by ExBrowser by thought you may have some suggestions on how to speed it up if it can be sped up. Thanks.


    This is caused by the JIT(Just In Time) compilation in .net, all pieces of code that are called for the first time get compiled. 


    More info you can find here https://www.techopedia.com/definition/20233/just-in-time-jit

  5. So the store has very little features and almost gives nothing in return for using it. The payouts take to long, no possibility to automate a product delivery, basically it will give you allot of manual work without any added benefit.

    The only benefit I personally see is for ubot making more revenue from bot sales, but besides that there is really no added value for customers. Anyone with more then 10 sales a month would be nuts to use this new system.

    But if you do see any benefit then please share, i can't find it.

  6. Why wait for something that is uncertain, when you have here something that works and is proven to work without any issues. It uses less cpu less ram and eliminates almost all refund you get due to browser crashes. The same code that is being used inside this plugin is being used by professional company's around the world. So don't wait on a miracle but go for certainty.

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  7. a2mateit, no denying that. However, if it isn't released this "month" as originally planned, why leave it until the last or second last day to notify people? Seriously, it's not unreasonable to assume they knew a week or more ago they wouldn't make the deadline. It is poor practice to leave people hanging. Can't make the deadline or think it won't happen? Why not just be open about it? 

    Don't forget it's ubot and not some professional company :P

  8. The thing is it won't be easy to implement CEF in a way that it's usable in a automation way. CEF doesn't have a way of setting the proxy settings during run time and other of those similar limitations, would require allot of effort to rewrite that (allot of room for bugs). They prob first thought it would be implemented in a few weeks, but i wonder how they will fix the bugs themselves that are already in CEF :P

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