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Everything posted by andymurray

  1. Hi Walter, I had some problems with the FTP command, but after talking with support I managed to figure out what was wrong. When I tried to upload a file it was empty too and an error kept popping up. This works for me: plugin command("FTPCommands.dll", "connect to ftp server", "FTP", "ftp.[your domain]", 21, "[username]", "[password]", "/public_html") { } Andy
  2. DOH!!! When I compiled it the darn thing worked Had me stumped because the example script I showed you actually worked when I loaded it into Ubot, but mine didn't. So I figured I'd done something wrong. Sorry for wasting your time mate. Thanks, Andy
  3. Hi Hellolnsomnia, Yeah, I originally had it all within the UI HTML Window, but the interface for the bot is very sluggish and unresponsive after a few minutes. So I decided to find another way. The example script I used was from this thread: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10252-how-to-include-css-and-js-files-in-ui-html-box/?pid=52891&do=findComment&comment=52891 This works great. Thanks, Andy
  4. Hi, I found a thread on how to call my 'js' and 'css' for the Ui html panel I use in my bot. I've downloaded the examples and altered the code to fit. However it doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out why. Probably something simple I've missed again. I put the following at the top of my bot: on load("Bot Loaded") { set(#Javascript, "my script is in here", "Global") set(#CSS, "my script is in here", "Global") And this in my UI HTML Panel: ui html panel("<html> <head> <title></title> <script type=\'text/javascript\' charset=\'utf-8\'> {#Java
  5. Hi, Been debugging my bot all week to iron out the kinks and today I start getting this message when I try to upload a theme: "File is empty. please upload something more substantial.' When I do this through my browser and not Ubot it uploads fine. This has literally just started happening today. Any ideas? Thanks, Andy
  6. I managed to create a sort of work around. But I had to place the variable into a 'input' tag like so: <div id=\"main\"> <div id=\"content\"> <br> <table> <tr> <td>Blah, Blah, Blah...</td> <td><button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Go()\')\">Blah, Blah, Blah..</button></td> </tr>
  7. Hi, I really need it to be either next to that button, or underneath it. if I put it at the end of my ui html, will that not be out of place? Using my code from above could you show me what you mean please. Thanks, Andy
  8. Hi, Is there any other way to use a stat than with a <div>? The reason I ask is because the css based ui I've built doesn't seem to like it. Take a look at this code: <div id="main"><div id="content"><br><button onclick="ubot.runScript('Go()')">Build Website</button><div fillwith=\"innertext\" variable=\"#Status\"></div></div> Now when I fill in my text boxes, they freak out and delete them selves, or copy the pasted text into all boxes simultaneously. I take it out, and all is back to normal. Got me stumped! Andy
  9. Hi, I would like to use a stat monitor in my html panel to show the status of where the software is upto. So for example... When it starts processing the first step it will display: Step 1 Processing... Then when it completes 'Step 1', it displays: Step 1 Complete! And so on for the remainder until finally it says finished. Thanks, Andy
  10. Hi, I don't know if this is what you mean, but it's what i have done in my bots... Create a folder 'MyBot' Within that folder is your bot and a another folder called 'settings'. Now within your bot, save settings to the 'settings' folder by using the 'special folder' command. So in this case it would be 'Application'. So it should look something like this... Application\Settings Now it doesn't matter where they save your download. Andy
  11. You are a star! Thank you very much. This was the last piece of my bot I'd been working on. Left it till last because if I tried to tackle it first I would have given up So much appreciated. Andy
  12. Thanks! Its getting really late in the day here, could you possibly tell me where I paste this code within my script. I see that you've kind of streamlined what I did. Just can't figure out how to implement it. Andy
  13. I'm struggling with this. Could you take a look at this code for me and tell me whats wrong: comment("<----- Article Post Start ------------------------------>") add list to list(%MSArticles, $list from text($get files("{$special folder("Application")}\\{#MSArticlesLocation}", "No"), " "), "Delete", "Global") wait for element(<innertext="Posts">, "", "Appear") click(<href="edit.php">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<title="Edit “Hello world!”">, "", "Appear") click(<title="Move this item to the Trash">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<class="ad
  14. Thanks I'll give it a whirl. I'm just using the browser that comes stock with Ubot. How do I disable those things? Thanks, Andy
  15. Hello, I did a search but couldn't find the answer. Does anybody know how to do this? The problem I am facing is when I click the 'edit' link to change the publishing date, the interface appears and quickly disappears back to the 'edit' link again. What I'm trying to do is post a folder full of articles one by one, with a staggered publish date for each. The first one will be immediately, then the second a day or two later, and so on... Any help is great appreciated. Thanks, Andy
  16. Thanks Anonym I'm writing down all these bits of code. Sure they'll come in handy someday. Andy
  17. Thanks a2mateit. But the file could be any type of image. ubotDev's solution word a treat. Andy
  18. # Wiremarket, I'm just referring to coding in the studio. Ubot has been on all day, and what north star said about memory sounds like the issue. I have 4 gigs of ram. Maybe I need more. The bot I;m working on is becoming larger and larger by the day #AutomationNinja Funny you mention about changing file name. Just after it crashed and rebooted, I started doing just that. Thanks, Andy
  19. Ok. That's good to know its not my computer I have ccleaner. Will use it more often. Thanks, Andy
  20. Hello, Earlier today Ubot completely bugged out on me. I spent a good part of 3 hours playing around with a solution to a problem I was facing, and all was going well until I started seeing errors for things that simply worked before. So I saved my bot and closed Ubot down to restart my computer. When windows resumed and I fired up Ubot again, the past 3 hours of work simply disappeared. if this is a known issue, do you guys have any solutions to maybe stop this from happening again? Thanks, Andy
  21. Yep! It works like a charm. Thanks again, saved me about 30 lines of tedious code over the bot Andy
  22. Hey thanks. That was real quick! I'll give it a whirl. Cheers, Andy
  23. Hello, I'm trying to get just the filename of a string into a variable. Here is an example string: F:\IM Archive\Current\Software\Ubot\Projects\WPI\Product\LetsGoCamping_PLR\Main-Product\Mod 2- Website\images\TransparentLogo.gif So in this example I want just the 'TransparentLogo' without the .gif Thanks, Andy
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