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Everything posted by kev123

  1. as Dan suggested post code and everyone will be happy to help with the part you stuck on. Here's a few examples with browser, the logic for using with http plugin isn't any different. Just to be clear to anyone reading the plugin doesn't change the way threading works you defines need to be thread ready just like if you was using normal threading. many thanks kev123 example 1 :threading using thread control normal divider comment("not needed code only adding items to list as example") clear list(%temp) add item to list(%temp, "http://google.com", "Delete", "Global") add item to list(%
  2. Update 1.3 Login to robobest.com to download the latest update (on the right hand side) use the login credentials you entered on purchase. If you have forgot them use the reset password link. fix- additional values not being passed when proxies not selected.(sorry introduced in 1.2) fix-general housekeeping and tidying.
  3. i'll have this fixed shortly. the second post I will have to do some investigation if its been present it previous versions.
  4. ok makes sense now I know the output format I can look to add it.
  5. it needs to be base64 hash also SignatureMethod — The HMAC hash algorithm you are using to calculate your signature. Both HmacSHA256 and HmacSHA1 are supported hash algorithms, but Amazon recommends using HmacSHA256. hmacsha1 and the required output format is already included in this plugin?
  6. Do you know what format you want the output to be in?
  7. Update 1.2 Login to robobest.com to download the latest update (on the right hand side) use the login credentials you entered on purchase. If you have forgot them use the reset password link. Added: -Mod - If you have no proxies in your proxy list and have specified to use proxies. The code will continue without selecting a proxy. This allows the same define to be used for proxies/no proxies.
  8. not yet but I've got a few ubot related updates to do over the next week so i'll add it to the list.
  9. have you got a example of the part your struggling with or an idea of what your trying to do. I could do examples but they might not answer the part your trying to work out. thanks Kev123
  10. yes thread safe, a lot of people are using it in multi thread bots. if you want to make tables/lists local to threads you will need to create you own unique identifier. Probably not needed depending on what you are doing.
  11. which ones aren't working at your end? seem to be fine here.
  12. no but I can look at adding it, on the road at min once I'm back at base later in the week and catch up with a few things I can take a look. thanks Kev
  13. if I have understood your question try this plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Threadcontrol Advanced initial", 5) plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced add", "test", "Loop Number", 2, "No") plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced add", "test1", "Loop Number", 2, "No") plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced finish wait") define test(#row) { alert("test row:{#row}") } define test1(#row) { alert("test1 row:{#row}") }
  14. sorry its a plugin so cant demo great thanks
  15. I have had a couple of request for a demo of the source code please see below. reminder you get the full source code for this allowing you to integrate with you own bots or use/sell as a complete bot
  16. version 2.1 Added large lists this is selectable in settings(Bigtable plugin) for scraper module. Added Large Tables this is selectable in settings (Bigtable plugin) for scraper module. improved the entering of #variable/%list/ for loop for scraper module. various other improvements
  17. not currently (you can for lists) but you can use "set table cell" and loop through the row as a current alternative
  18. doesn't aymen's email plugin have this feature. I may be wrong not used it for a while
  19. updated v2 fixed a issue with certain timezones and moz server.
  20. shooting you a pm now might need to tweak something until version 2 is out later today
  21. for people having problems with the payment button I've fixed it sorry about that you should now be able to purchase
  22. if your checking stats DA,PA,Moztrust I batch the data requests 10 urls at once(max allowed with free api) so ineffect it checks a url every second. you can do what others have suggested if your a heavy user and create more account mod the source and use proxies(I don't recommend doing this in a commercial bot thou only private)
  23. pm sent I've created a few keys recently sometimes moz takes a while to add your key to there server
  24. thanks man took a couple of tricks to get it to work in ubot but was worth it everyone wants to know the moz stats and its made a good addition to a couple of my bots.
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