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Posts posted by kev123

  1. looking at the code the you are missing variables from the define all smarthread defines need to have a variable as position is passed and if you are using a list a variable for this. Also the smarthread function your using will start both defines at once which would mean your second define is called before the first is finished below is a example that should work for you. if you need anything else let me know happy to help


    thanks kev123


    clear list(%list)

    plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Threadcontrol Advanced initial", 10)
    plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced add", "run", "Loop Number", 1, "No")
    comment("idle command waits for any active threads to complete")
    plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced idle")
    plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced add", "run2", "List", %list, "No")
    plugin command("Smartthreads.dll", "Thread control Advanced finish wait")
    define run(#pos) {
        comment("simulate items being added to your list")
        add item to list(%list,"test","Don\'t Delete","Global")
        add item to list(%list,"test1","Don\'t Delete","Global")
        add item to list(%list,"test3","Don\'t Delete","Global")
        comment("the wait is just to show that define run2 will wait until this define is finished")
        alert("first define complete")
    define run2(#pos, #item) {
        comment("the list items are auto passed into the define no need to use next list item")

  2. Hey Dan,


    I think I've got something that has stumped me. I'm trying to automate ifttt recipe setup and when I get to the windows where I can enter recipe information, I cannot for love nor money figure out how to make it work. It's using complex javascript to fill in a hidden textbox.


    Here's a sample of the code driving the box:


    <div class="growing-text-area" data-reactid=".0.2.0.$=1$actionFields.$tweet.1.1.0"><textarea name="fields[tweet]" class="hidden-text" data-reactid=".0.2.0.$=1$actionFields.$tweet.">{{EntryTitle}} {{EntryUrl}}</textarea><div class="visible" data-reactid=".0.2.0.$=1$actionFields.$tweet." style="border-style: solid; border-width: 4px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: "Avenir Next W01", "Avenir Next", Avenir, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 22.5px; margin: 0px; padding: 9px 13.5px;">{{EntryTitle}} {{EntryUrl}}

    If you setup an iftttt accoount and then connect it to a twitter account, you eventually get to this field. I've tried just about everything. The input box is designed to respond to keyboard input and I cannot use the exbrowser type commands to make it work.


    Here's a link to see the page I'm talking about: https://www.screencast.com/t/ah9uzAGaVcs


    By the way, I can click in the field to activate the box, but I'm not sure how to send characters once I click in the box with the exbrowser click command.




    this worked for me using chrome


    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "z://textarea[@name=\'fields[tweet]\']")

        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text2", "z://textarea[@name=\'fields[tweet]\']", "Yes", "my cool tweet", 10, 50)




    • Like 1
  3. heres example for first month the $rand is for number of items in dropdown


    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "z://div[@id=\':0\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "z:(//div[@class=\'goog-menuitem-content\'])[1]", "Appear", 30)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "z:(//div[@class=\'goog-menuitem-content\'])[{$rand(1,12)}]")

  4. I don't have this written in ubot but this is what I do in .net to extract domain extension with 100% accuracy


    1.add a list of domain extensions to a list

    2.split the subdomain.yourdomain.co.uk into a list by dot.

    3. in reverse order check if contained in list of extensions each time adding next list item so







    4.if exists in domain extension list add to new list.

    5. check new list for item with most chars

    6. you now have domain extension in the above example would be .co.uk


    7.if you want to get subdomain replace domain extension with nothing in original domain variable.

    leaving subdomain.yourdomain


    8.if contains dot is a subdomain split again by the dot and first item is subdomain and second is domain.


    if you only want to check against a few top level domains.com .org .co.uk etc then this is overkill but if you want to check for every domain extension possible this works very well.




  5. are you using an installer for your software or just supplying program/program and license in zip file?


    I've done a ton of work with reducing false positives in .net applications of mine, at one point I had VM images with every problematic AV to test.

    Sadly some of the best gain won't be possible in ubot as you don't have app source but there's several other types of errors you can get rid of and from your post sounds like your experiencing these types.


    easiest way is to sign app but may not be suitable for everyone


    There's not one size fits all but if we start on delivery method and when you first see AV error I can offer tips from there.




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