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Everything posted by tripros

  1. Hi Darryl, Any way to create a 'select a folder' with GUI Hero? Have a bot that needs to have a folder name. Thanks!
  2. Hah, LOL. Yes, the exBrowser plugin is the only paid required plugin for this source code. Highly recommend it as well, you'll be using the exBrowser plugin all the time, essential for me now. Enjoy!
  3. Have you upgraded to the latest version of eXBrowser released last week? I had the same issue until I upgraded to latest version and then worked fine.
  4. Amazing Pash, thank you for your quick assistance, updated version works perfectly now! Thank you very much for your help
  5. Hi Pash, Have tried many times to use the update video function with only the description field filled out (the only thing I want to update) but keep getting errors that title is missing, then when I fill the title says category missing, etc, etc. Apparently it wants all fields filled out? Nothing can be blank and left as is? Any way to update just description without having to update everything else again? Thanks much
  6. Hi Pash, When updating a video, can you just update the description and leave all other fields blank? All fields now say required, so wanted to double check. We only need to regularly make a change to the description of a video in this project so hoping that's possible instead of having to update all fields all over again. Thanks!
  7. Thanks again for your help with the new version Pash! Anyone considering any plugin from Pash, including the Advanced Google Youtube, don't hesitate, highly recommend. I have many of his plugins and the support and help are outstanding!
  8. Sure thing, will PM you in a minute. Have to reinstall latest version of plugin, went back to old version so can run our bot. Also noticed that the account we are using has 5 channels all named the same, so also maybe an issue.
  9. Yes Pash, I changed the routine to start with Login first as it shows in sample file, and it runs, but still gets the error. Getting error on changing thumbnail as well, so must be something with the Login process. Kept all the details the same as in prior version, the only thing I noticed is needing a Channel name. I added that and it goes through the process, selects the channel and authorizes, copies the code.
  10. Hi Pash, When attempting to upload a video with the latest version,, after updating the login procedure, using all the same upload video settings as in previous versions (because they don't look like any have changed for upload video function) I keep getting an error titled 'Found an error': $youtube video upload Execute: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. All settings are as they were before and worked fine without any error. Tested other functions and can get basic video info without any troubles. So far only the video upload is an issue. Can you advise plea
  11. Got it Pash, thanks for the details and heads up on the login changes, missed that in the code - saw 4-8-16 and thought is was an old one! Updated the login and looks like it's working properly again. Thanks again for your help!
  12. Hi Pash, Installed latest version of plugin and without changing anything on my bot, narrowed down that getting an error on the youtube connect command. The previous versions worked fine with the login text file and code used in the comment section, this version only asks for an authorization code. Didn't find any updated login information in the google drive downloads, so not sure what's happening. Can you advise if anything has changed in the account login/youtube connect command that is giving me the error (drops me into code view, won't allow me into node view unless I remove all the co
  13. Thanks much Pash, opening a new url in a browser that I was not logged into worked, file is there. Looks like the cookies are messed up as you suggested. Thanks again!
  14. Thanks Pash, no DLL files in the root folder for me at least. Double checked several times, went through all the files in the root folder. The update log txt file is there with the correct version number, but no DLL file. Can you verify? Thanks much!
  15. Hi Pash, Was prompted about the new version and went to download from google drive but there is no such version, and beta folder empty. Can you advise please? Thanks much!
  16. Tried to buy back on June 13th and still no reply from Carl, nothing has changed since then so not sure what's up here. No posts or changes since then, maybe Carl will reply at one point, but nothing yet as far as I can tell. HTH
  17. Thanks Pash, updated to and went through your suggestions, added a few more checks to the bot and now running fine. Thanks much!
  18. Hi Pash, Was working for a few days, now today getting this error every time I try to upload a video. Looks like the google api is throwing an error but I'm doing everything the same as in the past so not sure? Can you advise please? Thanks An error prevented the upload from completing. The service youtube has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError The request metadata specifies an invalid video description. [400] Errors [ Message[The request metadata specifies an invalid video description.] Location[body.snippet.description - other] Reason[invali
  19. Hi Pash, Upload is working almost every time, thanks, but having an issue with the custom thumbnails now. They used to work fine in the previous version, but now on every single upload, the custom thumbnail is never added. No code was changed, just not working. Any suggestions or tips on how to get it to work again, or is this a bug issue? Thanks!
  20. Hey Carl, Never heard back about the inability to take advantage of the sale, any update? Others seem to have the same issues. Thanks
  21. Hi Carl, Tried to order with the coupon but there is no coupon code field available on the JV Zoo order page. Can you advise please on how to place the order for the sale? Thanks!
  22. Thanks Pash, .net 4.61 did the trick! Back in business BTW, Advanced Video plugin with Advanced Google Youtube plugin has similar conflict that the HTTP Post plugin does, generating an error when trying to upload a video. Thanks!
  23. Thanks for the update Nick! Wanted to follow up with the feedback Chris provided earlier and wholeheartedly agree with him. I have purchased pretty much every script source that Nick has put out and have learned something from every one of them (and developed some enhanced products with them as well). Nick does go above and beyond in helping his customers, listening to our feedback, suggestions and tries to provide solutions to situations as they come up. All Nick's scripts have been to notch and Traffic Titan is no exception to this. Highly recommend the script (and anything Nick puts out
  24. Also, with my compiled bot using the previous version of the plugin, getting this error every time I try to upload: An error prevented the upload from completing. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: baseUri at System.Uri..ctor(Uri baseUri, String relativeUri) at Google.Apis.Requests.RequestBuilder.BuildUri() at Google.Apis.Requests.RequestBuilder.CreateRequest() at Google.Apis.Upload.ResumableUpload`1.d__90.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(T
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