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Everything posted by meter

  1. Hi guys, I got a request from a customer to make it so UbotLocker protected bots can only have one copy open at a time. Is this something people need? Or would it interfere with how you guys envision your bots being used? Looking for more feedback from people before I put this on todo list. -meter
  2. Nevertheless I recommend reverting the files You said it was working before I think? -meter
  3. Hey UBOTEM, try to revert the changes you make to IpnFunctions.php. It might be you mistyped something, and now the script isn't send keys properly =/ -meter
  4. Send $79 to *REMOVED DUE TO SPAM, PM ME FOR PAYPAL*, then either send me a PM of post in this thread. -meter
  5. He figured it out via PM. UBOTEM, I think you were setting up a 'shopping cart' button instead of a 'buy now' button when creating the button in Paypal. -meter
  6. That's strange. You sure you uploaded the files after changing them? That's literally the only place in UbotLocker that email sending is handled. Well, that and MailLicense.php, but that only affects when you click 'mail' on Manage Licenses screen. -meter
  7. Hola UBOTEM 1. You can change this code in IpnFunctions.php: $headers = "From: noreply@$siteUrl\r\n" . 2. You can use a resource editor on License.dll to change icons. 3. I think this should be fine. Experiment and find out -meter
  8. Yeah what you suggested should work. That's clever, never thought of that Glad you're enjoying UbotLocker! Yes updates should be instant. -meter
  9. It calls back to Paypal to verify each transaction. Tampering with IPN would produce a transaction that Paypal wouldn't verify, and UbotLocker would reject it This is pretty advanced and is up to you. For example, you can protect multiple bots with the same license, and keep them all in separate folders, but then automatic updates wouldn't work... -meter
  10. Sent ya a PM with the package UBOTEM. Sorry it took so long, been extremely busy all day! -meter
  11. Well it has to let people install to VMWare, since VMWare is used for VPS, and your bots need to run on VPS That being said, it will stop some people from pirating by installing on some Virtual Machines and distributing the image, but not all. -meter There are, but sadly UbotLocker has an incompatibility with SSL at the moment. I'm working on resolving it. -meter
  12. Yes, email deliverability is in general a pain in the ass it is inevitable that a few license key emails will end up in spam. -meter
  13. Hey dude, problem is you zipped up a folder in your update.zip. You need to zip up the files themselves, and not the folder that contains the files. -meter
  14. Sunny is correct, you need to make a .zip instead of a .rar file. Thank you for helping out sunny -meter
  15. iirc you should be able to sign a C# app after locking, but I'm not sure. -meter
  16. Hey ewideweb, Can you ask your customers to run the bots from C:\, instead of whereever the bot is currently installed? -meter
  17. No no problems with Parallels. As itsexpert said, might be a problem with .NET or antivirus/firewall. -meter
  18. Hi CJ, Can you PM me your URL to PaymentNotify.php? Also in general it's better to continue this conversation via PM. -meter
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