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Everything posted by meter

  1. I was thinking about selling some of my bots. They aren't in commercial shape yet but here is a list: Backlink thief: Goes to yahoo explorer, scrapes URLs of backlinks to a webpage, then checks for common blogging/cms platforms such as wordpress and attempts to post a backlink to your own blog on them. Yellowpages scraper: The one I made for Winston, but can choose by category. Still fixing bugs. Google keyword research tool: Input keyword and gets a list of keyword ideas from google keyword tool, as well as scrapes keywords from suggested keywords for google. For each keyword gets local
  2. Check this out: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4345-buy-mass-prestige-poster-automatic-linkdropping-bot/
  3. Here you go http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/8035/75641897.jpg
  4. What is protecting a URL?
  5. Hey Joker. I think I can quickly implement a category chooser. But for objections 1 & 2 I don't understand: 1. what other data would you like included? besides business name/street/zip etc... 2. ??? Yeah, it's supposed to create excel files 3-4. Understood. I agree, category choosing should be implemented. I'm actually doing this program as part of a case study, but am currently preoccupied with a bit of a hacker war with some Chinese who have a hardon for my company. Soon as I own their asses I'll come back to improving this scraper and working on that case study I promised Winston.
  6. Yeah, had the same problem as you. It appears google is restricting AllInTitle searches somehow. I changed to a completely different machine on a completely different internet connection and was still getting the same Automated Query error. So I'm stumped.
  7. meter

    Proxy Ideas

    What's wrong with Chinese proxies? I love those, and they're all so abundant. Sure they're honeypots for the Chinese government, but who cares?
  8. The likes field is bugged to begin with lol. Good luck automating something that never worked in the first place
  9. Its just a custom scripting language Seth created. The program itself is coded in VB.net, and is an interpreter for said scripting language.
  10. Ah, it isn't meant for it to run from the Ubot. You're supposed to run YellopagesGUI.exe. But, in case you do want to run it from Ubot, go to the following folder on your computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\UBot\UBot And create a text file called "basepath.txt". In basepath.txt, place the filepath of the .ubot file. On my machine that is: C:\Users\Meter\Desktop\YP Scraper\files\ Remember the "\" on the end. And that's that
  11. I'm going to be using this template for my commercial bots, so I need some people to test it, see how it holds up on other PCs. So here's a free bot for yall, open source. Cheers http://rendari.110mb.com/YP%20Scraper.zip
  12. New version Uploaded to one of my splogs for alcr. Enjoy http://rendari.110mb.com/YP%20Scraper.zip
  13. Here you go example.ubot
  14. Some sample code. You can run it using the Shell command: http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=f20ecc892f5ee2685681daae8a8f7f68
  15. Alright here's the first beta of the finished product: http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=c40382eff7f1c9abeebbcf02d3a5d424 Pretty much you type in City, State and it gets to it. .CSVs are outputted in folder you select with intelligent filenames. There are several small bugs, the biggest being it doesnt scrape the last page of the results. I'll fix it up when I get the chance. Meanwhile this should be more than enough for everyone to peruse. All sources included. http://i45.tinypic.com/20h1yxk.jpg
  16. Yep I'll be commenting it node by node soon as I get the chance. Like I said, gimme til this weekend/next week, as I am getting pounded in school
  17. Weee sample CSV Will be posting more when I get the chance. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=131aaff28f33b7cf7b9db588de670819
  18. Hey Winston, I'm finishing the GUI and CSV support as we speak. I'll add it and comments later, maybe this weekend. I have a statistics midterm this Friday that I am totally fucked for that I need to study for Cheers, -meter
  19. Hey there Winston. You should be editting the node before you run the script. Just make it point to any text file
  20. @Winston: You probably need to edit this node to a valid filepath in order to get my script working on your computer: http://i49.tinypic.com/2pspq83.jpg
  21. Respects to both of you for serving so that soft asses like me can sit around in college all day programming bots for you @Winston: No need to upload the bot again, I was wondering what node Ubot stopped at when you tried executing my bot. A screenshot would do
  22. Best you highlight the sub in question. But (only guessing here) I suspect you didn't update basepath. Give me more information
  23. Update, untested. Scrapes all results for first business category into an unformatted file yp_sample.ubot
  24. Hey there Winston, Started the same bot as you real fast. This is what I threw together quicklike. Should help you getting started (note this is just the beginnings of a Yellow Pages scraper). yp_sample.ubot
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