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Everything posted by iDollarsteam

  1. ... I don't want to sound mean but... I have studied and learned about http requests and google/youtube for the last 3 month and this is VERY valuable stuff ... I have given you the start to do it : "use CURL" ... google it, search this forum and other forums, experiment... a youtube bot that use http requests and works can be sold with a lot of money so I can't give you the "fish" ... I have just give you the "fishing rod" !
  2. dev has 3 month also, then you need to pay a monthly fee
  3. For me this is the best option but may be you can add in the dropdown the option "custom" and in the body of the function a textfield, when the user select a predefined option the textbox will be readonly and when the user select "custom" the textbox will be editable and the user can insert the regex code that he want
  4. Can you add the option to insert our own regex code in the $scrape list function?? this will give us freedom to use this function with almost any document. Thx!
  5. Anytime ... Good luck with your boots!
  6. try this code : set(#URL, "http://www.amazon.com/Apple-iPhone-16GB-Black-Verizon/dp/B004ZLV5UE/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1371147950&sr=1-1", "Global") navigate(#URL, "Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "") wait for element(<id="purchaseShvl">, "", "Appear") loop(5) { comment("Back button") click(<class="auiTestSprite s_shvlBack">, "Left Click", "No") wait(1) } comment("Next Button") click(<class="auiTestSprite s_shvlNext">, "Left Click", "No")
  7. is img recognition available in v3.5? if it is, then I think you can use it to click the buttons this is the code that I used in v4 to make it work: click(<innerhtml=" <span class=\"bg-text\">Back</span> <span class=\"bg-image\" title=\"Back\"></span> ">, "Left Click", "No") click(<innerhtml=" <span class=\"bg-text\">Next</span> <span class=\"bg-image\" title=\"Next\"></span> ">, "Left Click", "No") the code is for the back button and for the next button, I think that you can use the
  8. I use it on a desktop and on a laptop but lately (in the last 2 months) I have seen some strange errors when I login on my laptop (I can't login - "username or password not recognized") and I have to submit a ticket to solve the problem (I think they ban the ip from the login server as my access is restored without changing the login credentials)
  9. I'm not on skype very often lately, I work on some projects ( moving this kind of tool on VB using http requests) . If you need something just live me a PM here.
  10. I don't know how twitter manage the upload of the pictures but if it is like youtube (the profile pic upload on YT) then it is done using flash so I don't think that you can use the plugin and http requests to do it
  11. nope Aymen told me that he is working on the cookies manipulation update ... so... in a while...
  12. the file is no longer hosted on that file sharing site... where can we download it from now?
  13. I don't know if I understood exactly what you wanted but I have attached my solution. Iuse the regex editor from Zennoposter and I think that it is the best for finding patterns in text. Put both files in the same folder. data.csvregex test.ubot I hope it helps...
  14. there is a free plugin on this forum that make the conversion for you "on the fly" so you can have the image in the install package and install it in the Application folder. It will take it from there every time you open the bot no need to convert it on that site or use third party tools, ubot can convert it using that plugin http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13237-free-file-management-plugin-multiple-commands-and-functions/?hl=file%20management%20plugin
  15. TIP: you will see that each "thumbs up" img element has a different offset that is the same as the position on the page of the comment so find the comment position in the "list" of comments on the page then tel ubot to click the "thumbs up" with that offset number . It works fine ... you will have a TON of problems with clearing cookies on youtube (your thumbs up number will show but the comment will not go up...and also with the accounts-the same effect if the accounts are not good)
  16. Solved it ... with another method of using HTTP REQ. not with the plugin atm (it still needs a lot of work on cookie manipulation and control, I'm sure in future upgrades it will work fine with google and yt ... but not now, at least not for me...)
  17. Tim... I also have problems with a bot that use http req to do things on yt... but, as I expected, no one will help )
  18. nope I don't but one hidden token seem to be generated dynamically by javascript on the page ... when I get the tokens using the GET function that parameter returned "js_disabled" but if I login in a browser and I use Fiddler to see the http req that parameter has a different value every time ... I think there is something with the ubot (or plugin) blocking javascript on the page... I'm not sure... in the GET result and in the Fiddler result I have the same 18 tokens - 4 visible for the user to fill or interact and 14 hidden ... If you can find more please let me know
  19. I have a plugin that is enhancing Ubot and make it possible to use http post and http get (most of you know it, is a great plugin made by Aymen from this forum). I try to use this plugin to make ubot login to YouTube using HTTP Requests. I managed to get all the parameters from the login page using HTTP Get function and also using regex to sort the result. When I try to post using HTTP Post function I get as result the error page from youtube and this message: There was an issue logging you into YouTube ... Here is my code so far: clear list(%useragents) add list to list(%useragents, $lis
  20. Hi Aymen, I use your plugin to try to make a bot capable to login to youtube. I use the $http get function to scrape the login page and get all the parameters (visible and hidden ) and then I use regex to assign values to the dynamic hidden parameters, I put all of them in a $http post function and try to login... So far I get the error page with the message: There was an issue logging you into YouTube ... I see two main problems: When I scrape the page using the plugin I get one of the parameters - bgresponse: js_disabled but if I use fiddler to grab the http traffic I can see that bgresponse
  21. as far as I know you can't get the hardware id unless the user install a piece of software on his computer (and it has admin rights in some cases) ...so, capturing the hardware id from visitors of your site... is not an option...unless you work at homeland security )))
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