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Everything posted by adbox

  1. I'm trying to work with c# to perform some mousehover-esque button clicks, which I've managed to do with ubot, but I'd like to break out of ubot. Is ubot doing something special with mouse pointer positions to get the dropdown box to expand? If so, is there a c# equivalent? All I am using is the click function for ubot, but using the the same strategy for c# is not providing me the same luck.
  2. Hey Guys, I can't find any details on post limitations. I've been getting 500 errors when trying to make replies, but have not known why, but today I notice I have a message saying I can make 1 more post today. I've been running around trying every browser thinking it was a cookie issue. http://content.screencast.com/users/adbox/folders/Jing/media/d2ef0b25-70ba-48d2-b92d-a9f9dae8c065/2011-09-15_1724.png
  3. Any bots for sale on this. I'd like to buy possibly before I try and tackle this myself. I'm in need of phpbb3 with pm capabilities (and deocaptcha)
  4. I'm having this problem too. I set up an if then, set the qualifier to search, select text in the prompt box, and it does not run the commands.
  5. I understand the logic, but start the pointer at end of file, and then at the end of each loop add the new batch to the same file would be a great option. This way if a very large job is running, and something happens, all work isn't lost.
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