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Everything posted by musician87

  1. Hello guys, I’m looking for an help to fill a field. The field doesn’t have a dropdown but when I start typing it suggest what to add and then I’ve to click the element in order to add it. Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/snaku2ek1s8eo9n/Screenshot%202017-06-03%2015.34.35.png?dl=0 I tried with the “Type text” but it doesn’t work, “Change dropdown” doesn’t work either as there isn’t a real dropdown...
  2. click(<alt="Add a profile photo">,"Left Click","No") click(<innertext="Upload Photo">,"Left Click","No") change file field(<alt="Add a profile photo">,"\\\\psf\\Home\\Desktop\\1.png")
  3. Hello guys, I'm having big pains uploading pictures on instagram. If I click the "Upload photo" button the browser crashes. I'm trying playing with the command "Change attribute" but seems that is not working. Does anyone can help me?
  4. BTW I own the Community edition and the V4. All legit and in the V4 doesn't work. It works on the Community Edition but in the community edition I cannot find a way to change the user agent. I probably wasted 4h to look for a workaround...
  5. Actually I own the 4.x version and the community edtion as well, due the updated I'm using the community edition but I cannot find the command to set the user agent, where I can find it?
  6. Worked by using the define option, thank you so much!
  7. Thank you so much, very helpful as usually!
  8. Hello, I've set an "if" function and I would like to restart the project is the criteria that I've set is not matched. If X Then Y Else Restart Any hint?
  9. Found out the solution myself. I just used the function $search page and inserted the sentence that I'm looking for.
  10. Hello guys, I'm stuck with my bot. Currently I've created an account creator but I've to check if an element appear or not. In particular after I click the signup button, the page will load something like: http://website.com/#registration with some element inside. What I've made so far is: but seems that, even if the page with the error appear, ubot isn't able to show up the alert that I've set. What I've do wrong? Thank you so much!
  11. As far as I know ubot have an integrated proxy plugin, I'll take a look yo that plugin, thanks Sending the email right now!
  12. Hey guys, I'm looking for a simple email sender which allow me to send a spintaxed message to a list of users with a proxy support. It should send 1 email to 1 receiver, then wait between X and Y seconds and send another email to another email address. Actually I don't care about the provider (gmail, outlook, aol, yahoo and so on). Does anyone know a software that can help me? I don't need to send 1000000 daily emails, something like 100-150 daily would be awesome.
  13. Is there any website who can do it? I mean, if you need just the bot and you provide me the website to be botted, I can try.
  14. heard about "shared browser" but cannot find it on V4, maybe is a V5 feature?
  15. Strange thing, when I open in a new window, after the page is loaded it autoclose. I'll investigate on it... PS: To avoid browser freeze I should insert random user agent and then something also?
  16. and this will keep login info? Since what I'm trying to automate requires login, if I click and then open in a new browser, it'll keep me logged?
  17. I still need to be opened in ubot, since I need to automatize it. Actually I want that it open as new window (so ubot should open it as popup, if I'm not wrong).
  18. What I'm looking for is something where I can click on an element (for example an image) and it'll open in a new window (not browser) so that I can make my stuff without touching the "main" website. Something like: left click, target _blank Can I do it? Thanks a lot!
  19. The ubot freeze is something that appear always. I don't get why I've bought a buggy software and they don't me updates to fix their mistakes. I don't want new features, I'm happy to pay them, they should make free updates to fix errors since I pay for a working software, not for a partial one.
  20. Damn guys thanks a lot! I'll look into it asap! Basically I didn't post my code since I haven't idea how do it, but now I believe that I can do it Thanks a lot!!!
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