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Everything posted by Hugo

  1. Hope this is still relevant. I know this thread is over a week old, but I didn't see a solution in it when I stumbled onto it just now.. This is what I use in a twitter bot that I've been using for awhile now (tested to work 5 minutes ago). Note: this is JUST that status update portion. This assumes that you're already logged in and on your profile screen. Also, there's a field to enter any URL that will be shortened with bit.ly and appended to the end of your status. Hope This Helps- Hugo status-update.ubot
  2. Nope. Find a working sample attached. I'm sure it's not nearly as functional as what some people here have built, but it works. (Note: Right now it only returns the first ten suggestions. You'll have to modify it and add loops etc. to make it into a viable keyword research tool) Hope this helps -Hugo P.s. I see that there are people selling working bots. Those are likely better than what I've provided. I am simply sharing my bot sample to help people who are looking to create bots for their PERSONAL USE. PLEASE do not take the sample I am providing and use my work to create a
  3. Replying to my own post is weird, but I just tried something that worked, so I figured I'd share: This works on Google - After you "send keys field chosen" (I bet change chosen attribute would work as well but it's untested) to enter the search string you're looking for, "send keys chosen" and set the text to "$special keys: down" Then the query will look like "[search Term]\\" and the resulting suggestion box will give you the same result that you get in a browser using "[search Term] ". Still haven't figured out how to select and scrape the resulting suggestion box. Anyone have any ide
  4. yeah, I don't know nearly enough about javascript to try to decipher through G's source, but experimenting this evening, I was able to get the suggestion box to fire by using "send keys chosen" - which isn't very effective as that command sends every keystroke 3 times, but not by using "send keys field chosen" any idea why the two commands behave so differently? -Hugo
  5. I was having the same problem. I figured I'd share a work-around I came up with to get around the lack of an "ELSE" clause. Create a variable (let's call it variableA) Set #variableA -> False IF-> (Search Page (String)) Then-> Set #variableA - > True If (evaluate (#variableA = 'True') Then - > Run Commands I literally couldn't figure out another way. (Not(Search Page(String))) always seems to return true No Matter What... So I don't know what's going on there.
  6. Hey Guys, I have seen several mentions of the ability to set the start and end screen on compiled bots (in the browser window, but after over an hour of searching the forums, I can't seem to find any description of how to do either. Will someone please fill me in? Hugo
  7. Ok guys, Seth gave me the answer via the Ubot helpdesk, and I figured I'd share it here in case anyone was having a similar problem. Turns out, it is an issue with ubot's handling of javascript, and to get around it, you just have to click the unfollow link in a sub-window. That's it! (example attached)All you have to do is nav to the twitter profile of someone you're following and run the attached sub. Thanks everyone (mostly Seth) for your help. Hugo Unfollow.ubot
  8. I just tried something new and this didn't work either. I set completely random delays between each selection and click (anywhere from under 1 second to over 7) I don't know how twitter is detecting Ubot. Or maybe it isn't. Is it possible that the Ubot browser is trying to load the friendship/destroy page when all it is supposed to do is call it to pass the jquery variable? Does anyone have any ideas on this? Has anyone been able to successfully unfollow via a ubot bot? Hopefully this is something that can be fixed quickly. I hope to get this bot built soon. This is the last piece. Th
  9. I ran the script you posted, but I'm getting the same error. 403: Access Denied [screenshot Below] http://cookbookforthecure.com/ubot403.jpg
  10. Yeah, I actually have that bot as well. But the 3rd party site that does the unfollowing has had their API removed by twitter. Turns out twitter doesn't like mass unfollowers. So I wanted to figure out a way to do it directly in the Twitter UI with ubot to avoid API limitations. Steve ps. I can share the code I'm using currently if you think it'll help figure out the problem.
  11. After I select and click the settings drop down menu, and then select and click the "Unfollow XXXX" link I get a 403 error. Says I don't have permission to access the twitter.com/friendships/destroy/ page. I can unfollow just fine by hand. I can even do it in the Ubot browser window. I thought the problem might be that twitter detects that a bot is doing the clicking so I added random delays between selections and clicks and still nothing. Anyone been able to successfully unfollow on Twitter using Ubot? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. thanks Hugo
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