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Whos That Guru

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Everything posted by Whos That Guru

  1. No, I really did think I included it, but apparently I did not. As I said I just threw this together in a few minutes. I was posting threads all over the place so its not hard to miss something when you're in a hurry getting them out. Either way I have updated it & it IS in there now.. lol sorry about that. Now I have to go back & double check my other threads to see if I missed anything else on other sites.
  2. I did not see any rules against posting a thread for an affiliate product either. Correct? Feel free to check the link to this forum's guidelines to verify if you want. I provided the link just a few posts ago for someone else. So... not sure what your point is with that question. Also, as stated in the OP I am giving buyers a free email creator that works for multiple sites as a bonus item - something the creator is not providing as a bonus for purchasers. So yes, I am offering more value than if someone were to buy anywhere else. Or is that not in there? Pretty sure I included
  3. The software will automatically verify the email after it is created. Now, if the account is created using a previously-abused proxy, facebook will request phone verification for that account. If that happens, you would need numbers & verification codes to use in the Phone Verification module, then it will verify them using those numbers for you. As for what keeps them from being deleted, nothing, I suppose.. Facebook could go and delete any profile at any time, without warning. The best way to try and prevent this from happening though, is making your accounts look as authentic as
  4. No, it isn't made in uBot. However, there are no rules saying all sales threads HAVE to be for uBot programs. I checked before posting this thread. Here is the guidelines, feel free to verify if you like http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13329-buy-sell-trade-guidelines/
  5. http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa356/Whos_That_Guru/fbdheader.png DOMINATE Facebook with the most sophisticated Facebook Automation Software Available! Introducing... Facebook Demon! SCREENSHOTS: http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa356/Whos_That_Guru/FirstFourFBDModules.png http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa356/Whos_That_Guru/SecondFourFBDModules.png http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa356/Whos_That_Guru/ThirdFourFBDModules.png PLUS --- You also get the following features: Account Manager Import and export hundreds of accounts the click of your
  6. How can I make it check to see if a captcha is there at the beginning of each loop (cycle) and if there is one, solve it then continue? If there is no captcha, it should just continue as usual. I tried to put something together using the "If" command, but that doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.. I know how to make it solve captchas on a page where the captcha is ALWAYS there, such as account creation, but how can I detect a captcha & solve it then continue on if one pops up, and just skip captcha solving if there isn't one? Any suggestions? ALSO - How can I make it click th
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