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Posts posted by VentureOnline

  1. 1 - You need to have the advanced image plugin and HTTP plugin (stated in the sales letter);


    2 - Only excepting Paypal at this time. Just shoot payment over to the email address listed in the sales letter.


    3 - Yep it clicks on the boxes.


    4 - $20 as stated in the sales letter.


    Hope this clears things up.


    VentureOnline, answer my questions too:

    1.do i need to buy other things in order for this to work?

    2.how can i pay? can i pay via skrill.com too?

    3.it does auto click the images in google captcha, right?

    4.what is the price?

    Haven't had a chance to dive into the 16 box captcha. If I do I'll update the thread. 


    Any updates on the 16 box captcha's, did any one found a solution/update to get the values with from 2Captch separators, for now I check the number of box and if I get 16 I reload the Captcha until it shows 9 



  2. Yep it states everything clearly in the sales letter. 


    yes yo need buy another dll for 67 $ 
    i'm got this problem now :( 

    You may not have the latest version of the source code. Shoot me a PM with your email and i'll send it to you.


    Hey Guys,


    I am having some issues with the script and can't get it to work with DeathByCaptha or 2Captcha.  I am using Advanced Captcha and the latest UBOT.


    With the DeathByCaptcha function I am getting a code error with

    set(#dbcPost,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$deathbycaptcha.com (new re-captcha)", #dbcName, #dbcPass, "{$special folder("Application")}\\Captcha{#captchaRand}.jpg", "", #bannerText, #captchaRand, "Recognize"),"Global")

    the deathbycaptcha.com (new re-captcha) seems to be throwing the error.



    With the 2Captcha I am not getting a response in the debugger for the #captcha variable after it uploads the image. 

    set(#captcha,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com", #TwoCaptcha, "{$special folder("Application")}\\Captcha{#captchaRand}.jpg", "", "Recognize", ""),"Global")

    When I log into the 2Captcha website I can see the recaptcha image was uploaded and the proper response was sent.


    Any help would be very much appreciated.



  3. Ok gotcha! Can you give me a website that is consistently showing the 16 box captcha? Im not running across it enough to be noticeable on my end. 




    We know that..Infact nobody questioned that. We were simply asking for your input on a particular problem as you have more experience on the topic. Again..nobody questioned

    the script and it's scope.

    • Like 1
  4. As it states in the sales letter the source code is for educational purposes. Its not meant to be a plugin that is constantly updated. Its to teach you how you can integrate solving of the new Google captcha into your bots. Any modifications you need can be easily done. Thats the purpose of this. It shows how the solving can be done, then modify and tweak to your needs. If you need tweaks to 2Captcha, just add them into the code yourself. You have full control of the code. 

    • Like 1
  5. Yep that will work. You can replace the image resizing no problem.


    Hi There,


    I have a command line program for resizing the captcha image which I can run from Shell command. In this case can I save on "Advance Image Plugin", right?


    And if image editing (resizing) part is replaceable?




    Hey guys the last version I had a mistake in setting one of the folders for the captcha. I have fixed the new version.

  6. Yep this is part of dealing with the new Google captcha. Sometimes it requires multiple correct before giving the green check mark. Captchas are getting harder my friend.



    Quick question with my own attempts and testing the other bot framework I start to run into having to solve "multiple correct responses" before I am able to get the green checkmark. Is that something that you are also seeing Venture?


    Also maybe using exbrowser would help but I have yet to get a green check w/o having to solve. not once.

  7. Well 2 things here. First we don't report bad solves to Death By Captcha so this issue has nothing to do with this script. Second you can remove this line below from the code and you will see much less session expired issues.

                     click(<class=w"rc-button-default goog-inline-block*">"Left Click""No"
    Either way though the issue you are describing is not an issue with the script since we don't report bad solves to DBC. Thats something else you have implemented yourself. 
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