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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I'm starting to build another complex bot, and up until now I have pretty much just started coding from the beginning and sort of let the bot take form as I went along. This time, however I have decided to do a lot of pre-planning and hopefully save some time along the way. I was just curious as to how most of you begin your more complex bots.
  2. This is located in options as a checkbox. Anyone have any idea what it does?
  3. common regex plugin. So the plugin would have a bunch of parameters to choose from for common regex scripts like email, phone, proxy etc... for those of us who really fumble with regex.
  4. Don't mean to bust anyone's bubbles here, but I'm pretty sure tor is the safest browser in history. At least the safest browser I have ever seen. You don't connect directly to the internet you bounce around through other connections first. https://www.torproject.org/
  5. Why not just make 2 version Aymen? One for 32 and one for 64.
  6. Darryl let me try this out after he just made it and it's an awesome tool. support is great as well. big thumbs up on this one. Great job Darryl!
  7. Hey Aymen, Do you think you will implement a change file permissions, and maybe as extract archive command?
  8. Does anyone know what the latest minimum system requirements are for compiled bots? I wanted to post on my websites bot FAQs and I wanted to make sure I got it right.
  9. So many things I could have used for a looooong time. Can't wait. +100000
  10. Plugin that goes back to a specific code line or jumps forward to a specific code line. Good example would be running through a loop and if a page doesn't load then go back to the beginning of the loop. I think this would reduce the amount of code needed for some bot a lot.
  11. How about a plugin that makes it easier to work with multithreading. something to make it a little less involved.
  12. SOLVED!!!!! Loading a list of files from a folder as option names in a dropdown. So this was a really tough one. Several people helped with this one, and some people thought it wasn't possible to even do. Thanks to magoo, bill bogacz, and ubotsbiggestfan for help with getting this to work. This was several days of work to get this to function. I have included the code below because I wouldn't want others to have to go through the nightmare that was this problem! ui html panel("<select name=\"dropdownoptions\" style=\"width: 200px;\" variable=\"#dropdownoptions\" fillwith=\"value\">
  13. Resource hacker can only do so much. I have had it where it only changes on my machine and not when I send to other users.
  14. How about making it so that plugins check if there is a new version of plugin available and update as UBS already does.
  15. Not sure if these ideas are possible with plugins but here are mine.... 1. Ability to store images inside a compiled bot. Perfect for ui html that way we don't have to store them on our server, and they will load instantly. 2. Ability to change the desktop icon of compiled bot 3. Ability to edit menu of a compiled bot to change what menu items appear, as well as edit those menu items. (ie add ui html panels where ever you like in the menu.)
  16. I also say edit file permissions would make the an awesome ftp plugin. I already bought this and it is great!
  17. Also this site isn't the easiest to find new plugins people post. I was looking for a centralized place to find available plugins. I hope this takes off as well.
  18. Yeah I thought of that, but that doesn't allow monitoring of the number in real time. Which is what I'm trying to do.
  19. That sort of defeats the purpose of saving and clearing the first list. The larger the list gets the more it tends to cause problems. Which is why I save and clear the list every 10K.
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