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Everything posted by MrGeezer

  1. Hi everyone, I have had this issue since I purchased UbotStudio and finally decided to ask after many many hours trying to figure it out (if it is even possible!) I am trying to scrape content on a page that is between this code MISC HTML</abbr></span></span></h3><p class="description">SCRAPETHISCONTENT</p><dl class="demographic"><dt>Location</dt><dd>MISC HTML MISC HTML</abbr></span></span></h3><p class="description">SCRAPETHISCONTENT</p><dl class="demographic"><dt>Location</dt
  2. Well I have 16GB of ram, i7 processor and Ubot still runs like a turtle on my machine, worse than any software on my entire system so not entirely sure if it is a problem of not having enough ram
  3. Thanks for your replies everyone @zap, in my situation Google is fine because all I need to do is test whether the connection was successful, and Google seems to be a server that never goes down. But proxy judge is a good tip for those using public proxies
  4. Is there a way to test whether a proxyconnect is successful or not?
  5. Hi guys, When my script is compiled, there is no warning message if the csv open is open in excel but it will show a warning uncompiled. Is there a way to check if the file is currently open / non writable? That way I can post an alert. Cheers!
  6. Thanks Lilly and everyone else involved in isolating it!
  7. OK somewhat reluctantly posting this, as it is not a good hackf to fix this issue in my case due but might work for some of you. Tested using javascript and it did not work, however meta refresh will update the stat monitors. <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300">
  8. Nice work mate, sounds similar to how my code is setup, I just had an idea to run a javascript refresher, will try that also and post my results in an hour or so
  9. It is strange though, I ran a test loop running 10,000 times that would update the variable number using ui_html, it works perfectly fine, but when running inside my ubot with much more complex code in between it causes it to freeze.
  10. Yes, it seems strange to me as I have looked through the forum and many people are having the exact same issue, I have tried running the compiled version on all of my flatmates computers and they all freeze up, not to mention my laptop has 16gb ram & i7 processor.
  11. Run into this issue also, anybody have a workaround yet?
  12. hey guys, just a followup, the awesome support team have found the issue! Need to move the jquery file and scripting to the bottom of the page!
  13. Wow apologies guys, must be tired its 2am over this side of the world, looks like i did not save the ubot file before uploading so the above code is actually wrong! This time 100% sure I have it right hehe!!! ubot-bug-test9.ubot
  14. Second time lucky! ubot-bug-test9.ubot
  15. attached .ubot file to make it easier to check out
  16. Hi guys, I have encountered a bug when compiling a script. Basically in the ui panel there is a dropdown menu. It will then display various html in the ui panel depending on what option is set. Next when I click play, it should then run any commands that are set under the associated #mode variable. This works 100% within Ubot, however as you can see from runnig my test code below, the compiled version fails to register which setting was selected in the dropdown menu. Do you have any idea of a potential workaround to get this going? ui html panel("<html> <head> <s
  17. Hi guys, I have added a bunch of URLS into a list I then run a regular expression to clean up the URLS so that it replaces all text after the first '&' sign. add item to list(%URL, $replace regular expression($list from file("fileaddress\\00__getIDs.txt"), "^[^_]+(?=&)", ""), "Delete", "Global") The problem is, instead of cleaning each line of text, instead it will clean the first line and delete everything else. Any idea what is the best way to approach this?
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