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Everything posted by c10h12n2o

  1. any advice would be greatly appreciated... works fine in the internal browser but it is freezing so often i want to try the external. but the scroll script isnt working on the external browsers
  2. in external browser("Chrome") { navigate("https://hypem.com/sites/tags/hip%20hop","Wait") click(<id="more-blog-scroll">,"Left Click","No") loop(10) { run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);") wait(2) } } same problem.. after it clicks the first button it never scrolls down again it works fine in the internal browser (though the internal browser seems to be locking up constantly), the javascript scroll function seems to be working fine in internal but it doesnt seem to do anything in the external browser. is there a better way to
  3. hi, i am having trouble getting the external browser to scroll to the bottom of the page for scraping results from infinite scroll pages the javascript that i normally use doesnt seem to be working many thanks for any advice in external browser("Chrome") { navigate("https://hypem.com/sites/tags/hip%20hop","Wait") click(<id="more-blog-scroll">,"Left Click","No") loop(10) { run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);") } }
  4. thats a great idea, i hadnt thought of that , thanks buddy @jomark3 i think we are doing the same type of thing, a bit of power-bartering @deliter thanks so much, i would have never thought of handling it like that. stuff like that makes me realize how much i am a marketer and not a programmer hahaha... people that are good at this stuff are so freakin good at it thanks a bunch
  5. hi everyone, longtime lurker, thanks for all the great stuff thats been posted here My question: Is there any way to make a bot add links to a list upon clicking them? I am making a bot that requires a list of links as input, and right now i am having to manually look through listings and right click and copy pasting the links im interested in into a text file, which i am using as the input for the bot. i cant just scrape all the links, because i have to manually look at each image to decide if i am interested in it. it would speed things up a lot if i could have a module/tab of the bot whe
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