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stan beck

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Everything posted by stan beck

  1. Has anyone tried to automate anything for Wells Fargo before? My objective is to automate the downloading of statements. I'm having trouble with the UBOT default browser getting locked up to where the mouse clicks don't register. It happens at random intervals and it's making it challenging to write the code. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  2. I hadn't thought about the anti-virus / firewall pitfalls - will check that out. Team_LX, you are having success send email, then? Do you mind which email platform you use? I'm just trying to eliminate variables. Thanks much!
  3. Tried Hotmail - can't get it to connect through the 'Wizard'. I'm using <username>@hotmail.com smtp.live.com 587
  4. Hi All, Please forgive if this is answered elsewhere - I did a search and didn't find an answer to this. So, I set up a yahoo account and populated the email function in Ubot Studio using the Wizard and got a successful 'test' connection (it sent an email to my account). However, when I run the script, it times out. I'm using: smtp.mail.yahoo.com 465 I appreciate any thoughts... Stan
  5. Hi All, Please forgive if this is answered elsewhere - I did a search and didn't find an answer to this. So, I set up a yahoo account and populated the email function in Ubot Studio using the Wizard and got a successful 'test' connection (it sent an email to my account). However, when I run the script, it times out. I'm using: smtp.mail.yahoo.com 465 I appreciate any thoughts... Stan
  6. Thanks for the reply itexpert - will give that a try and let you know how it works... Stan
  7. Hello UBotters, It's been a while since I've picked up UBot - I've a client that wants to scrape the urls for amazon best sellers and this is the code that I've come up with: clear list(%urls) navigate("http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/electronics/ref=sv_e_1", "Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded", "") add list to list(%urls, $scrape attribute(<class="zg_itemImmersion">, "href"), "Delete", "Global") The page source for one of the item looks like this: <div class="zg_itemImmersion"><div class="zg_rankDiv"><span class="zg_rankNumber">5.</span><
  8. Any thoughts on this? Is this something that UBot is not able to handle?
  9. This is for trying to download a bank statement in Bank of America. I'm trying to interface with a javascript call which 'launches' a pdf file. Unfortunately, there isn't an obvious url for the pdf file. Here is what the code looks like: <tr class="even"> <td class="first TL_NPI_L2">07/07/2012</td> <td class="second"><input type="hidden" id="hidden-documentId17" value="/CRD/CRDSTMBA.USA00.TSY01" name="statement-name"> <a id="documentId17" name="NW_Credit_Card_statement" href="javascript:voi
  10. Your advice was perfect - I got it all to work. Thanks!
  11. Here is what I need: ([0-9-]+){4} Here is what UBot keeps changing it into (I have no idea why): ([0-9-]+)4 Designed to work on this string and pick up the 4 digit number (9999). <p style="font-size:16px;font-weight:bold">FREE SMALL BUSINESS CHECKING ********9999</p> Any insights? Thanks! Stan
  12. Nevermind, I think I was overlooking the obvious - the pop-up window url shows the format. Thanks much!
  13. Sorry for getting off-topic - wasn't intending to. I can reopen the issue on a new thread of that is best. That said, this is the javascript function call that brings up the pdf file into a pop-up window: javascript:openStatementWindow('1','86695967','EStatementDownload.ashx',''); I'm not familiar with the ashx extension, but apparently, it's a c# handler for aspx. I'm not sure if that The 86695967 is clearly a unique document id of sorts because it's different for every document. Is it possible to transform the javascript call into url parameters - that would have to be part of th
  14. I'm trying to download pdf bank statements. The link to click is a javascript call which opens a pop-up, which then render the pdf file. When I execute this is ubot 5, the pop-up window is blank which seems to suggest it can't handle the pdf containment. Any thoughts?
  15. This works great - thanks for giving me the methodology - I appreciate it!
  16. It seems to be that I have to visit each individual company to then scrape the address properly... Is there any way to scrape w/o entering each company page? The scrape attribute will scrape the entire page at once - I'm not sure how to use an if-then-else at this level... Thanks!
  17. Just to give you guys a sense of what I'm seeing... http://screencast.com/t/5ge954Mr Thanks for the above suggestions, BTW...
  18. All, I'm scraping yellowbook.com and on yb, not each entry has an address (due to national sponsors). So, for example, of the 20 entries listed, items 1, 2, 3 don't have addresses. When I scrape the address to a list (no deletes), the list doesn't register 'blank' entries and so, #4 is shows up in position 0... and I have 17 items, instead of 20 and I don't know how to programatically assign the right address with the right company entry. I hope I explained that clearly... So, how do you recommend that I handle this? Is there another way? Thanks much! Stan
  19. Unclear... From Javascript, how does one execute uBot code? From uBot, how does one execute javascript? Thank you...
  20. You use the set table cell command
  21. Hi, I figured it out - you know how it is, you ask the question, and then you figure it out yourself - go figure . Thanks!
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