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Posts posted by Comeaway

  1. move file("C:\\Users\\glenn\\Downloads\\contact_export_.+?\\.c[a-z]v","C:\\Users\\glenn\\Documents\\Ubot\\Vulcan 7\\All In ONE\\Data\\One download list from Vulcan\\")

    what does the . after contact do

    Also what does the + do

    What does the ? mark do


    By the way how do you copy into this field?

  2. AWS is keeps changing the file download name each time I download.  Does anyone know how to identify that download name so I can change the name of the random file and move it?


    In other words, one download is contactas_;aiksjoiwt'oij.cxv, the second download is contacts_3405t978hjsa093745t.csv   I have now way of identifying that download outside of the most resent download, thus I can not change the name or move it upload it back into Ubot.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi,


    I watched Dan's video:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=togFmbnC058


    at the 3:15 mark of his video, he states that if you use the xbrowser click command and it opens the first selection, despite there being multiple selection, you need to be more specific.  But he does not teach how to get specific.  Then he states that he has training videos on how to do this.  


    I took a screen shot below, and I have 11 option, and in Dan's example he has 7.  So this scenario is my exact problem.




  4. Here is an image of the site I am trying to post to: 




    I can't get to the webpage because it is inside my member area:


    Here is the HTML:


    <div><div class="zk-file-drop-base file-drop-blured" aria-disabled="false" style="position: relative;"><div class="compose-box_container"><div class="DraftEditor-root"><div class="public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-root"><div class="public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-inner" id="placeholder-7cvne" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Type a message</div></div><div class="DraftEditor-editorContainer"><div aria-describedby="placeholder-7cvne" class="notranslate public-DraftEditor-content" contenteditable="true" data-testid="COMPOSE_BOX_EDITOR" role="textbox" spellcheck="true" tabindex="3" style="outline: none; user-select: text; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word;"><div data-contents="true"><div class="" data-block="true" data-editor="7cvne" data-offset-key="dbngi-0-0"><div data-offset-key="dbngi-0-0" class="public-DraftStyleDefault-block public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><span data-offset-key="dbngi-0-0"><br data-text="true"></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="compose-box_textInputBottom"><div data-testid="CHAR_COUNT" class="zk-styled-text-base zk-styled-text-primary zk-styled-text-secondary compose-box_charCount">0/600 char</div></div></div><input accept="image/bmp, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif" type="file" autocomplete="off" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; opacity: 1e-05; pointer-events: none;"></div></div>



    I have tried very variation of xpath


    Here is what it looks like in element inspector



  5. I a webpage I can't type into with EXbrowser using xpath.  I have had the same issues with Standard Ubot.   Any suggestions.  If you a consultant I would be happy to reimburse you.

  6. I am posting a lot of advertisments to criags list for real estate listing.


    I am stuck. On page one when you do a "renew" the entire word underlined "renew" dasappears and allow UBOt to sequence to the next avaialbe "renew" (FYI - for some unknow reason Ubot starts from the the bottom a works its way up.)


    Now, I have listing on page two and three, (see attached pic) now I can easily get ubot sequence up to page 2 and three, however Craiglist has thrown us a curve ball. Criagslist only allows top to bottom "renew"als, because Ubot starts at the bottom, UBot is block from renewing the advertisements. (see attached)


    HOW do i get ubot to start from the top, find a hyperlined renew and click it?


    I have explored the "offstet" but here is the problem. The offset vaires page to page and unless you scrape the html, and somehow pull out the css offset, but that seems to complicated anyone have a






  7. There is a clear way to copy a list from a text file into UBOT using list to list, but is there a way to copy a the list inside of UBOT back to a file for future use.


    Here is the problem. I have an alphabetical list a through z.


    I am incrementing from a to z.


    However some where in there, the online app is going to return.... "you have reached your limit"


    Ubot is in some unpredictable increment in-between this A to Z Cycle. I need to pickup from the last increment. Is there a way to copy the consumed list from inside of UBot back out onto a text file, so the next day i can create a new. ... Next Day ... "list to list" So Ubot can resume from where the online app stopped?

  8. This an easy problem to explain but translating into a bot has me feeling stupid. You have two variables. Last name and first name. Last name increments one letter at a time. So A to B, B to C, C to D. Easy. But I need to loop inside of LAST name sequence A to B .... 26 first name letters; so first name beginning with A and ending with B. THUS A to B looks like this....



    Last name equal or greater then A

    Last name less than B

    First name equal or greater than A

    First name less than B




    Last name equal or greater then A

    Last name less than B

    First name equal or greater than B

    First name less than C


    Sequence 26


    Last name equal or greater then A

    Last name less than B

    First name equal or greater than Y

    First name less than Z


    Silly me I though I could loop the last name sequence and in the last name sequence loop the first name loop. Eg fist name loop inside the last name loop. This approach does not work. What I thought would happen is the last name would increment, then the first name loop inside the last name loop would kick in and loop 26 times.


    What is happening is that UBot hits that first outside loop, it is ordinarily sequencing. So when the last name loop start it just keeps looping the last name. Thus:

    A) you can't put a loop inside a loop, OR

    B) Last name Loop will sequence in its entirety, then then move on to the first.


    What is happening is the last name keeps incremental I don't know if it will ever get to the internal loop, because i didn't want to watch it for an hour.


    Screen shot included





  9. The goal is to crack the Salesforce Limitation regarding its complicated process of preventing SPAM.


    Saleforce SPAM prevention tactics are three fold


    1) Limit number of emails that can be sent in any given day (max 2000)

    2) Limit the number of email that can be sent out at any given time (max 250)

    3) Limit access to group email blasts THUS pigeon holing a user to using a very tedious manual emailing process


    See Attachment one.


    1) BOT to log in (defined commands – where can I learn more about this topic?)


    2) Bot to set up lists (as you can see in attachment one (1), I need four (4) lists that increment in a sequential order simultaneously


    a. List for last name TOP (I am comfortable setting up the list(s) but I can the “wait†code be extended for 24 hours? That is what Salesforce requires you to way for your next batch of 2000 emails?

    b. List for Last name BOTTOM

    c. List for first name TOP

    d. List for first name BOTTOM




    ii. It is unclear to me how I reset FIRST NAME back to the “A†of the list … letter “A†While sequencing last name from “A†to “Bâ€Â

    iii. My intuition, based on your response is that the first name should be a unique defined commands


    3) The second big hurdle is when I reach the 2000 limit for the day, how do I us “IF†statement to search the web page for “you have reached your limit†then it needs to “WAIT†for 24 hours.


    I would be more than happy to set up a go to meeting and conference line with anyone willing to help AT ANY TIME CONVIENENT TO YOU!


  10. I have set up my log in bot, and have gotten my bot to run a full cycle. Now I want the next cycle to run, but I don't want the bot to run from the very beginning, how do I prevent my script for going back to the beginning?


    Unfortunately, my bot is very, very complex. Perhaps there is a way to run a sequential bot to simulate a more complex process. For example, I can run a set up bot that logs me in once. Then I can run a secondary bot, for my secondary process etc., etc.


    I don't see any way to set up schedule, how are schedule handled?





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