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Posts posted by MasteRofBotS

  1. Hello there!


    For sure it will be a great place for you to be. It might sometimes seem like little acitivity is going on here but that's not the case. We mostly are active here when something is needed and we can't do it + it wasn't already written in the forum, which pretty much covers most of the problems and have all the answers you are looking for. Just remember to search the forum via google with site:ubotstudio.com added so you get the results (internal search is not that good).


    Wish you all the best!

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  2. Hi Doug23.


    I'm interested in getting more details from you about this and then I can tell if and for how much I can get you a bot like this done.


    I though about something similar a while back to use as link outreach/lead generation software, but as I choosen to go other way I will be happy to create it anyways for you instead of just forgetting about that idea :D

  3. Hello there.


    What version of ubot itself and the browser in your bot are you using?


    They might have changed something so you can try the different version of browser for your bot. Just go to setting in ubot and change the browser, restart ubot, recompile bot and it should use the version of browser you switched to.

    If still having trouble with google, you can buy a Exbrowser plugin and use normal Firefox or Chrome with your bot so Google will not know that its not human but a bot (always if internal browser can't handle stuff, I use exbrowser cause it operates on normal browser, for which if the website works manually will work in bot as well).


    As far as I can remember they should have an API for blogger, WP has XML-RPC for sure == 2 more ways to send/get data, with http requests for example (search for HEOPAS free plugin on forum, it can handle http requests very good :) ).

  4. When on a last step (and you got that map thing opened in internal browser), try clicking on that BLUE rack symbol and check if it will open up element editor HTML thing - if it shows you an error, you will need to chose the element to type that text into, by another setting like "class" or something. When you have "offset" and number inside it means there is more than 1 element of that kind (based on how they are getting selected) and it might be a problem later on when something changes, like they add some similar field in between the 1st element and the one that you want to get selected and text typed into.

  5. Or this solutions is indeed what you are looking for, I've tested it myself and thanks to Misha I solved a problem that I wasn't even aware of (already found a workaround for it that was doing me good). Thank you both!


    You installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86? (Not x64! For ubot need x86 version!)




    This can help you. Without this driver Ubot not will be work!

  6. I agree with separate modules since some of the advanced users already know some of it..


    I have a suggestion for another module.

    Connection your bot to www.bubble.is as your bot backend database.

    bubble.is is free and it's great for us people who doesnt have much experience doing web based backend things.


    Thanks for the bubble.is hint, I didn't know about it and it looks awesome!

  7. Thanks for the reply Hare,

    I am new to this despite having Ubot for a long time.

    Does the above actually produce the spintax?

    I see it says API, does this mean I need a third party spinner?

    Is it not possible for Ubot to actually create spintax on it's own?

    Many thanks,



    It can create spintax on it's own, like taking each word of input from user and search the table with spintax to change. Or SELECT them from a database (SQLite/MySQL).

    The thing with that is that all the spinners have those databases already and you would have to either create your own or use some external one - anyways that have to be accessible somehow by the bot so the bot knows what words it can use to change the ones from user input.


    It says API - yes it can use 3rd party spinner.


    Have you moved forward with your project?

  8. Did anyone do this? I am looking for some source code for scraping an article site to learn from so I don't mind if it is just for one article site?


    Yes. I did what you can call "article scraper" and what I would recommend to you is to start and choose any site and just go with a normal, most basic, navigate and scrape type of bot for 1 specific site to understand what steps you need to make in order to go to site, grab a content, save it & repeat. It might be confusing to learn from someone else code since as someone stated above, you will need to create kinda "custom" bot for each and every site you will be getting articles from anyways, some elements will be same but they are using different ways to search and show content so the same steps on 1 site might not work correctly on other site.


    If you need some help or have questions, let me know and I will help you as much as I can. Feel free to PM me about that.

  9. Thank you hare ram, very impressive job you did here I must say and a great combination of target sites, some are new even for me.


    I'm going to get back to you in few days, probably with an offer that can benefit both of us and some questions about technicalities.


    By the way, do you have any other bots done beside this one? Let me know either here or in a PM.

  10. Wait, STOP!


    Don't just tell someone to go ahead and drive a Nascar car when the fastest thing they drove so far was a bicycle ;) and lets add some value for others which will see this topic, cause databases are important step and will have wrong assumptions.



    #factSQL B)



    #1. If you are totally new to storing/reading/manipulating any kind of data with use of any databases of any types, choosing SQLite is the BEST OPTION and no other solution will be better especially combined with uBot and whatever-kind-of-program you make. The leap will be a big one for any one going from lists/tables to databases and with SQLite the only thing you need to get it running is the same computer you are creating your bots on.




    #2. SQLite itself is really an awesome and a very powerful solution for data storage which you can and should master by yourself quickly and easily. It's really not wise to use other database solutions and waste a lot of time on things that you won't be able to utilize even in 20% for months to come (yes, MySQL is just an overkill really). Instead of spending 100's of hours to be a begginner in other db solutions, you can get a lot more out of using SQLite + it's so easy to use it that you will be looking for more ways and data to put in there (0 maintnance compare to MySQL).

    (this one is also answering OP)




    #3. CHECK YOUR FACTS. ALWAYS. Base your decisions on data and more data, not assumptions!

    OP here has assumed that he needs to go with MySQL databases, and was confirmed in that bs based on assumptions that he needs THAT solution which again is total bu....t.



    Here are some facts, straing from official SQLite website - and to make it even easier for anyone reading this, below are FACTS from SOURCE:

    (5) Can multiple applications or multiple instances of the same application access a single (SQLite) database file at the same time?


    SOURCE: https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q6

    Multiple processes can have the same database open at the same time. Multiple processes can be doing a SELECT at the same time. But only one process can be making changes to the database at any moment in time, however. [...]


    We are aware of no other embedded SQL database engine that supports as much concurrency as SQLite. SQLite allows multiple processes to have the database file open at once, and for multiple processes to read the database at once. When any process wants to write, it must lock the entire database file for the duration of its update. But that normally only takes a few milliseconds. Other processes just wait on the writer to finish then continue about their business. Other embedded SQL database engines typically only allow a single process to connect to the database at once.


    But experience suggests that most applications need much less concurrency than their designers imagine.




    #4. RE-READ the sentece above. They said it, I will say the same and many others will agree with that statement in full. I've personally made that mistake too many times, thinking that "the other" technology/solution will solve my needs/app needs when in reality it only post-poned or terminated the projects cause it was way too much to what I wanted to get done.



    #5. Simple SQLite database (which is just a .db file) CAN HANDLE 10 - 10 000X the amount of data compared to lists/tables OR whatever you think you will need in faraway future for your app. Quickly change whatever you want, in 1 row manually, or in 1 000 000 rows not-so-manually + you can make a COPY of DB file in case you break something to quickly restore the SQLite.





    There is so much awesome things that you can do with a SQLite database that it will take you a really really long time before you push it to it's limits and/or will need to use different database solution and I think there is no better way to get QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY a more serious application/bot done with data stored in database then with SQLite. Learn it in and out, use it to the fullest and you will see that the only limitation was in your knowledge/skills rather then in the technology itself.


    Of course, MySQL got it's place in DB world for specific use cases, same as other DB types. But what you can do easily, in a time that it takes for a water to boil, with SQLite and your own brain and 2 hands and have fun expanding your creator skills (+ taking your uBots to NEW LEVEL with SQLite) would even faster go straight to SH&* and slow you down/bot development just cause you wanted to go with MySQL which will be outperformed 9 out of 10 times by SQLite performance, ease-of-use and your happiness using it.


    I understand that MySQL itself is like a common knowledge type of DB solution, I was in the same boat cause of web developments and online stuff where it's widely used (at least was ;) ) but using it always seemed like a daunting task and instead of wanting to push forward, having to deal with anything MySQL related made me freakin hate the DB stuff (I outsourced it all) and thinking that all DB stuff is that complicated etc. I heard about SQLite when I started with uBot and ohhh I was so amazed at how easy and fantastic working on a DB part of a bot/application was with it, that summing this post of mine with a summary.


    GO WITH SQLITE! If you think otherwise, go with SQLite anyways. 100%



    :ph34r: :wub: :ph34r:

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  11. Kudos to HelloInsomnia for providing, for free, a tons of tutorials for ubot that I've abused in my newbie days with ubot and they helped me a lot!


    He has putted lots of work into making them videos, which are great in quality and explaining how-to yet they were for free.


    I'm just sure that his Advanced Ubot Course is even way better then that!


    And if anyone still didn't read the ebook from HelloInsomnia about Clean Code, shame on you! :)

    Just go here https://elitebotters.com/ and download it. WORTH IT! (this is my personal opinion, I didn't buy anything from the OP yet ;) )


    :rolleyes:  :ph34r:   B) 





    And with good intentions and personally THANKING YOU for the work you put into those free videos of yours, below is an advice from me personally to you that can help you sales/marketing wise with your product - and coming from sales/marketing experience and facts - your products really deserve more sales, quality is there already ;)


    Please get rid of that $100+ price tag for the full advanced course as the only option to get the course as I'm more then sure not only me didn't go and buy the course cause of 2 things:

    #1 - I don't need/want all the 7 Modules you have inside it. I know tons of value for sure but there is too much friction for me to let go of over $100 for a product that out of 7 modules, I would watch only 2 modules right a way and the rest maybe like never/already figured out that parts (2/7 of course for full price, bad deal) or would not have enough time in next 3-6 months to use them.


    #2 - SIMPLY DIVIDE this one-big-costly-course into separate 7 modules and let me buy a 1 or 2 of them for a start, like I would personally go for Multithreading part itself and/or Memory Management without thinking too much plus I can assume that $117 main price divided by 7 would make it anywhere from $17 - $29 price for 1 full module which is a no brainer for me and some others to jump on and choose a module/s we like at our own pace. No extra work for you as the videos are already there and as far as my sales/marketing experience goes, you would get many people hooked up on the quality of even that 1 - $20 module and buy more in future more of them/other stuff easily from you knowing your products.
    It's easier climb 20 floors then 110+ floors at one go B)



    Thank you once again HelloInsomnia for the knowledge I got from you.




    Less friction/pain that comes with buying a product of any kind, always makes the people jump more eager and feel better about buying it so the conversion rates and sales volume always goes up. Go Netflix-style even, I wouldn't have to think about watching a movie in cinema vs getting acces to 1 of your videos for like $5 etc.


    (Anyone else reading this, you are free to use it too, the more knowledge we share with each other, the better we all get.)

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