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Posts posted by blumi40

  1. be sure your javascripts is under your html code


    and format your inputs like that

    <input type="whatever" class="whatever" onClick="yourfunction();" someOtherStuff="what ever"  variable="#yourvar" fillwith="value">
    is very important that variable and fillwith are the last atributes in your formfields


    hope that fix some of your problems

  2. Blumi, what programming language do you use with WinDev if you want to create Ubot-like applications?

    I dont use WinDev by my self but a coworker of mine and he does automation even in Java

    at the end it depence on which OSplatforms u need for the automation.

    but as example   a curl behind a proxy does near the same like UB if it scrapes Data

    also a wget can hold session and cookiedata to scrape behinde passwordprotected sites...


    by the way to show u alternates to UB Proxy as example, use Google search for "AutoIt exarp" see the tuts and jerk :)


    • Like 1
  3. Good to hear that, but can they handle browser automation like Ubot does? 

    sure! for AutoIt there are Libs for IE FF and CHROME  which u can start inside your Application, Outside or hidden.

    The only thing which is miss is the Proxything, which dont mean that u cant work with but u need bit more ideas and skills.

    Also WinDev is a good alternate to UB...Sure it is much more complexe but the idea to compile your stuff OS indepentent is massiv.

    At the end...if u switch u have to learn for sure  but the questions does your skills and experience with UB helps u?! YES 100%

    Thats the only real possitiv thing on UB... it brings u more near to programminglogic for better frameworks and languages

  4. Dan there are many alternates   like WinDev or  AutoIt  or Gambas on Linux even python can do what ubot is doing.

    but all that dont have a visual interface for click'n'use...but be honest....do we need that.

    I did many special bots for my clients and in the beginning i was use allways ubot. but now the most time i use ubot

    to prototype the logic of my bots....and to bring that logic to c# is a small step....doit 3-4 times and u got it


    and by the way net framework allows u to implement multiple languages in one project and this is the mastergoal

    if u know how to use it is liquid gold

    • Like 1
  5. is doable sure
    but it needs a bot on vps  which always checks ever x minutes if there is a new order
    i do that too on my server  by using a mysql-table which holds a status for a job

    if there is a new dataset inside and if that gotta status 1 then my bot knows what to do

    after done the bot give the status 0 on this dataset.


    but the database checking bot is not done with ubot because i never get ubot bots running endless

    there allways freeze after some hours or days.


    so i did it with php, which works fine for me

    • Like 1
  6. Depence on "what kind of job"


    if it is a big job its near normal to give the source away too.

    calculation for big jobs most 40-50% of the realtime i need.

    so a job with 50hours realwork i charge as 20-25 hour job.


    This works fine for me but it depence also on things like 

    update support and so on...


    The Kind of Job means also...
    Is this script useable for another bots or is this bot useable for sell to the masses  and so on

  7. schau mal ob dir das was taugt schon lange nicht mehr benutzt...


    plugin command("Open.Framework_new.dll", "Structure Container", "JSON LIST") {
        clear list(%jsonlist)
        add list to list(%jsonlist, $list from text(#TABLE or LIST, $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
        clear list(%json_columnnames)
        add list to list(%json_columnnames, $list from text(#COLUMNNAMES, ","), "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        clear list(%JSONLISTclean)
        set(#JSON recid name, "recid:", "Global")
        set(#JSON recid counter, 1, "Global")
        loop($list total(%jsonlist)) {
            set(#list_record, $next list item(%jsonlist), "Global")
            clear list(%list_record)
            add list to list(%list_record, $list from text(#list_record, #SEPARATOR), "Don\'t Delete", "Local")
            set(#list_record_total, $list total(%list_record), "Global")
            set(#list_record_total_counter, 0, "Global")
            set(#jsonval, "\{{#JSON recid name} {#JSON recid counter},", "Global")
            set(#jsonval counter, 0, "Global")
            loop($list total(%list_record)) {
                set(#item, $list item(%list_record, #jsonval counter), "Global")
                if($comparison(#list_record_total, "=", #list_record_total_counter)) {
                    then {
                    else {
                        set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}f{$change text casing($list item(%json_columnnames, #jsonval counter), "Lower Case")}: \"{#item}\", ", "Global")
                increment(#jsonval counter)
            set(#jsonval, "{#jsonval}\},", "Global")
            set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ", \}", "\}"), "Global")
            set(#jsonval, $replace(#jsonval, ",\}", "\}"), "Global")
            add item to list(%JSONLISTclean, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
            set list position(%list_record, 0)
            increment(#JSON recid counter)
        clear list(%jsonlist)
        clear list(%list_record)
        clear list(%json_tmp)
        set list position(%json_columnnames, 0)
        set(#jsonsize, $divide(100, $list total(%json_columnnames)), "Global")
        set(#jsonsize, "{#jsonsize}%", "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "\{ field: 'recid', caption: 'ID', size: '50px', sortable: true \},", "Global")
        add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
        loop($list total(%json_columnnames)) {
            set(#json_col, $next list item(%json_columnnames), "Global")
            set(#jsonval, "\{field: 'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}', caption: '{#json_col}', size:'{#jsonsize}',sortable: true, resizable: true, editable: \{ type: 'text' \}\},", "Global")
            add item to list(%json_tmp, #jsonval, "Don\'t Delete", "Global")
            set(#jsearch, "\{field: \'f{$change text casing(#json_col, "Lower Case")}\', caption: \'{#json_col}\', type:\'text\'\},", "Global")
            add item to list(%jsearch, #jsearch, "Delete", "Global")
        set(#jsonval, %json_tmp, "Global")
        set(#jsearch, %jsearch, "Global")
        set(#jsonrec, %JSONLISTclean, "Global")
        set(#jsonval, "name: \'grid\', 
    show: \{ 
    	toolbar: true,
    	footer: true,
    	toolbarAdd: true,
    	toolbarDelete: true,
    	toolbarSave: true,
    	fixedBody: false,
    toolbar: \{
    	onClick: function (target, data) \{console.log(target)\}
    searches: [
    sortData: [\{ field: \'recid\', direction: \'ASC\' \}],
    columns: [
    	]", "Global")
    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
    <script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/jquery.min.js\"></script>
    <script src=\"http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js\"></script>
    <script src=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.js\"></script>
    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"http://skapps.webhop.net/incl/w2ui/w2ui-1.2.css\" />
    <div id=\"MyList\"></div>
    $(function ()\{
    var winheight = $(window).height();
    $(\'#MyList\').css(\'height\', winheight-20);
    document.title = \'My List\';
    ", "Global")
        set(#jsonrec, $nothing, "Global")
        set(#jsonval, $nothing, "Global")
        clear list(%JSONLISTclean)
  8. http://www.activestate.com/  has a good installer

    but by the way u even dont must install python also same with php

    if u got the runtimes  and the lib u need u can place in every tmpdirectory where u want


    the only goal to install  python direct is that there do a shortcut in the Win Envoirment 

    but even that is doable by hand if needet.


    there are many option to use linuxtools with ubot on windows  if u know a bit about cygwin

    u can do many things u miss with windows and ubot...

    what i do is...
    when my client starts the first time the bot the bot loads also

    modified php and python from my server which i provide as zipfiles

    that brings me a bit more flexibilty with updates etc...

    but at the moment im more on do automation on linuxplattform  and also on MS with AutoIT

    becaus e Awesonium is absolute horror and the team dont provide stable updates.

    and at the end if u develop for clients who needs stable solution ubot is exactly the wrong methode. 

  9. rodaN
    the problem here is that ubot use Net Framework 4

    im not sure but in Mono we got V3 yet.


    I was try to run it under Linux with POL and Wine and the Programs starts but Grafik was unuseable.
    and by the way on Linux are many other Possibletys to automate Webstuff

    Python gotta nice Library for that and even Gambas with a BASIClike Language

    has good Libs and also a GUI for Programming.

    But im with you  a Linuxport and Macport would be great


    on the other side... like dan wrote  a stable version would be big!

    and the team has even under windows many probs for continual updates

    a queer notion if there have to do that on Linux and OSX too :) :)

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