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Everything posted by Hyphen

  1. What are the values to determine if a UI checkbox is checked or not? 'True' or 'False', or '0' or '1'?
  2. Is this in any way at all possible?
  3. Oops, forgot to attach. v.ubot
  4. I am trying to make a bot to evaluate how many members are registered on a vBulletin forum, make a list of every user ID, and then access their profile and send them a friend invite. As you can see in this source I've scraped the total members number, how do I turn that into a 1-#members newlined list?
  5. Thanks so much to both of you. Gogetta's example in specific is what I'm looking for, and then my next problem is getting failed logins to save to one list/filename and successful logins to save to another.
  6. Okay, what I am trying to do here is automate about 140 logins to DailyBooth, changing the password of one account, logging out, then looping through the list until all 40 are done. However, I just cannot figure out how to load the LIST. I've created a list box but every time I try to declare the values in that list box to a variable, I get no choices of existing %lists. Maybe this screenshot will show you what I mean: http://i49.tinypic.com/10x7bkp.png
  7. http://www.captchabotinvites.com/ was down for about a week but it's back up now, bump for revival!
  8. For those of you using captcha services like DeCaptcher, a new Russian solution has been opened with English translation. Captchabot is invite-only so it's pretty fast and reliable without any priority scam like DeCaptcher has going. http://captchabot.com/en/register.html If you need invites, just check out: http://www.captchabotinvites.com/ After you register, they email you a password.
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