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Posts posted by jason

  1. You're on the right track.

    Save as project folder allows you to save the project in a format appropriate for online version control via a platform such as github or bitbucket.

    You can use these for version control. 

    The process would involve saving the project folder every time you make a relevant update, pushing that update using the platform, and then downloading (pulling) the changes on your other machine, and loading the folder when you want to make changes inside of UBot Studio. 


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  2. As has been described, define is the most obvious replacement for this. Use it the same way that you "label" commands inside Automate 6:


    Essentially, any time you create a defined command, you are building an area of code you can "go to" simply by calling that command's name. The way most here use defined commands is to have one tab with various defined commands (ie labeled sets of code), and then your script in a separate tab that is a series of conditionals that refer back to different defined commands. 

  3. To answer your specific question - 

    UBot Studio can be used to create executables that function via command line only. This is not the norm, but it's entirely possible.


    For the built-in method, you would set your script up to function after hitting run. Then you would start the compiled version with the correct command line commands to make it run automatically:




    For additional options, you can see here: 




    UBot Studio's compiled bot interface can be highly modified, so it's difficult to know if it was built in UBot Studio just by looking....

  4. Lots of different tables in this source: 

    scrape table(<class="techspecs with-caption">,&table1)
    scrape table(<class="fsp-cms-product-chart-table with-caption">,&table2)
    scrape table(<class="fsp-cms-product-chart-techspecs fsp-cms-product-chart-techspecs-us with--caption">,&table3)
    scrape table(<class="fsp-cms-product-chart-techspecs fsp-cms-product-chart-techspecs-si with--caption">,&table4)

    That gets all the separate data. 


    You'll notice that these all share a few things in common - "with" and "caption", so if you want to add them all together into one table you can. 

    scrape table(<class=r" with-*caption">,&table1)

    But the table that results might not be very pretty - 


    No matter what, you'll probably need to do some cleanup. 

  5. "it's stuck in the background or loading. (double click and nothing)"


    So, one thing that is possible is that the bots are downloading the required browser etc files, and on your client's machines it is taking some time. While this is happening, it's best to not try to interact with the bot because it is locked during the download.


    Have you tried including the required support files via an install file or zip file? 

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