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Everything posted by whoami

  1. So far I have done this and it worked: set(#address, $page scrape("<label>Headquarters</label></td> <td><p>", " <a href="), "Global") set(#address, $replace(#address, "<br> ", $nothing), "Global") But it grabs all in 3 different lines.. Is there a way to replace the {ENTER} and put nothing to put everything in the same line?
  2. I tried it, but only will happen to scrape that particular address: add item to list(%address, $scrape attribute(<innertext="720 E Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee, WI, 53202-4703, United States  map">, "innertext"), "Delete", "Global") Then I tried this, but no success: add item to list(%address, $page scrape("<innertext=\"", " map\">"), "Delete", "Global") I will post this 3 codes from 3 different pages so you can watch the pattern: 1: <tr> <td class="rJust"><label>Headquarters</label></td> <td><p>720 E Wisconsin Ave<br&
  3. Im having a terrible headache trying to scrape this code: <p>2775 Sanders Rd<br> Northbrook, IL, 60062-6110, United States <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2775+Sanders+Rd++Northbrook+IL+United States+60062-6110" title="Google Maps" target="maps" class="newWindow" onclick="s_objectID="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2775+Sanders+Rd++Northbrook+IL+United_1";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true">map</a> </p> And put it on the table as: 2775 Sanders Rd Northbrook
  4. Hello, I created a list and added an item to list. Then inside the item to list I added many scrape attributes divided by ":". But Most of those scrapped attributes are full of <br>, spaces and html codes. I would like to know if there is anything so we can clean all this data being scrapped. In the same way, I created a add item to list separated and adding list to table. In the same way, how can we target just specific data?. Thanks in advance.
  5. Got this solved: set(#profiles, $scrape attribute(<class="username">, "innertext"), "Global") add list to list(%profiles, $list from text(#profiles, $new line), "Delete", "Global") set(#ids, $replace(%profiles, "@", "https://twitter.com/"), "Global")
  6. Greetings.. Im trying to modify %lists searching for any string and replacing. Whats the short way for doing this? I set as a variable, then I $replace , but then how to come back to make a list for navigating? Please let me know, this is breaking my head. Cant find a faster way.
  7. $meta keywords doesnt help on all pages.. Any other suggestion for scraping keywords?
  8. Hello.. I need to scrape data from a table, but each row is a different offset, I need to increment offset to extract all data from all the rows.. Is this possible using a kind of sum of adding until reaching offset 24, then go to next page and do the same, and so on?
  9. I guess the clue is the variable offset.. Because each time I go down from row to row.. It increments.. How can I use the offset from 0 to 25 to grab all the results on the list?
  10. By the way.. The source code has the info like this: <tr> <td class="selection"><input type="checkbox" value="300001275866" class="action-record-selected" data-recordid="300001275866"></td> <td class="no-padding-on-left no-padding-on-right" title="Quick View"><div class="action-quick-view-list" data-quickview="/UsConsumer/Detail/QuickView?recordId=300001275866" data-detail="/UsConsumer/Detail/All/2a4baaca0ec24c87919043cc10bfd16e/21"> </div></td><td class="no-padding-on-left no-padding-on-right"><div title="Exported" class=""> </
  11. Hello, Im dealing with a scrape which defines each row data with this: <a href="#" class="detailLink action-detail-setup" data-recordid="700001189669" data-record-index="0">Bryant</a> and on the second row of the table (which contains 25 results per page) <a href="#" class="detailLink action-detail-setup" data-recordid="700001275054" data-record-index="1">Thomas</a> Third row: <a href="#" class="detailLink action-detail-setup" data-recordid="700001275070" data-record-index="2">Adrian</a> How can I scrape all the rows and align as the table but in a csv?
  12. The thing is I open multithreading with the same version of a bot saved on different folders. 2 Are working correctly right now. One is dropping this error: Error: Error converting value True to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [system.String]'. Source: Bot2 > Extract Info from pages >loop > add item to list > $scrape attribute Dont know what is the problem, it was working correcly but there are no mistakes on it, In fact is the same code and the other 2 bots are opened and working correctly on different saves. What could be the problem ? Thanks in advance.
  13. I have tried add item to list and add scrape attribute as a variable to add the info to that list and position in 1 column. Also tried several scrape attribute inside a add item to list separated by : Likes: add item to list - Scrape atribute (name): Scrape attribute (address) : scrape attribute (thrid) - Save to file. But instead of saving me all the info from the table into each row, it separate in many rows. I need help on this, this have been breaking my head. Up to pay for an hour for coaching on this.
  14. I need to just press a key from keyboard, the Enter/Return, is there an option for doing this? Instead of selecting a botton and clicking it? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hey thanks for releasing the moderation. Great idea willywonka, it worked as a charm! Thanks alot guys!
  16. Hello.. I found out that it works using variable in url as: {#variable} And it totally works.. But since I only can post few threads because im newb.. Here is a new problem. Im trying to click on a list of links ordered in tables. I located the links I would like to click from the entire page then go to next page. But Im having terrible headaches dealing with this: <a href="javascript:showContact('9848337')" onclick="s_objectID="javascript:showContact('9848337')_1";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true">Last Name, F Name</a> Can someone guide me on doing a proper regex or a proper s
  17. Hey bump! Someone please can help me? I might pay for help via paypal.
  18. Hello guys, im new at Ubot, been watching all the tutorials, still im fresh on this and need a hand to completing this first work I gotta do. Hope the community here are very gentle to provide me a solution for what I want to do. What I need to do is to scrape content from Google Results. I want to target a google dork to extract emails from results. In this case Linkedin emails. So im going to search something that displays results with the name of the person on the title which is sharing his email. And it appears the email on the description. But it appears <b> before the gmail. I woul
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