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Everything posted by lucky

  1. yes, i have tried the example given above and it gives just the file title in the directory. IS it possible if it also display the content of each file and merge it in 1 file? i have seen your response about merging files in 1 file but it is for version 4 that has open folder..
  2. how can we add files to 1 file if we are using the ubot version 3.515?
  3. Hi, By the way, I have ubot 3.515 and it doesnt have get file from folder command. What is the easiest way to get the files and its content to a csv? Is it possible to create a .bat which can read the contents of the folder and write its contents to 1 file?
  4. thank you for the reply.i will start revision now
  5. would it be easier if i convert the text files into csv? I havent find any resource yet on how to do the conversion. Is it possible if i convert the multiple text files into a csv by reading its content and transfer it there.I will do the find and replace of keywords on the csv then after convert it back to individual text files.
  6. thanks for the reply. how can i use shell command to make that work? i was thinking to save that c:\folder1\forder2...on a notepad and save it as a .bat file. so i was thinking to use the shell command and browse for that file..that file by the way should be pasted on the ubot folder on program files?
  7. Hi, I am very new to ubot and I have been searching this forum for a few days already. Here is the flow, I will have several files in a folder. I have here ubot studio 3.515 and it doesn't have $get files command. SO I was thinking,is it possible to have a bat file that contains a command which will allow you to read the files in a folder? That is why I was also thinking of how to open a directory of folder and sub folders in hierarchy which will not show the contents just the folder. Because I can maybe select the source folder of articles then read the files through the bat file and add t
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