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Everything posted by luis

  1. luis


    LOL, now I like yahoo and hate google a little more.
  2. Here is the solution, but I don´t understand how to use it on uBot. http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_sort.asp
  3. Yes that's the issue, any idea???
  4. Thanks!! I see your example working. But I get things like: 149 1699 175 1790 289 2899 299 349
  5. Hi all, I have a list of numbers that I need to sort. When I use "$sort list" all the numbers are sorted by the first digit but not the whole number. Any idea how can I do that. Example of list: 1000 1100 100 1 What a need: 1 100 1000 1100 Thanks!
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