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Everything posted by jimboslice

  1. Yeah I have started taken more a really coding look at my ubot logic. Your bot opened my eyes and just like in my programming classes when i draw a diagram of my programs I will start doing the same thing with ubot then figuring out how it works in ubot
  2. Wow thank you so much. I have learned so much today. I can not wait to apply this to other sites
  3. Thank you so much. I knew I must have been doing something wrong. I was going to proceed to make my bot but figured i better post and see if i could save some time and learn something at the same time. I have so many more sections to scrape on that site and in all i want to be a better scraper . Thank you and I can not wait to check out your bot
  4. Am I doing this right? My bot does what I want it to do but I have so many more links for it to go to I am starting to think there is a better way to do this that I have not thought of yet. Please can someone look at my bot and make some suggestions. The reason I am doing it this way is because every page has a different number of items... Open to hear a better way to make me a better ubot user scrapemotosuperstore.ubot
  5. Thanks so much it does the trick Looking forward to working with this
  6. I am working with a wp-config file and I would like to auto populate the database information. I have a template with unique identifiers for find and replace. /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define('DB_NAME', '555841_xxxxxx'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', '555841_vvvvvv'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'cccccc'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', 'aaaaaa'); I dont understand what I am doing wrong with the logic in my bot right now. editfile.ubot
  7. ok so what you are saying is to put wp-config into a variable and change the mysql info to something unique. Then to step through my csv to replace that unique mysql info with the info in my csv file that i used to set up my databases in the first place. I am able to do this in the standard edition? Ok let me add more info to this thread. I have set up my wp-config.php file to look like this: define('DB_NAME', '555841_xxxxxx'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', '555841_vvvvvv'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'cccccc'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('
  8. I can do that but I have one standard install I do over and over again so I never ftp anything.
  9. I own ubot standard edition. Currently I use ubot to setup a ton of accounts and databases on my server then I use a perl script to deploy the wordpress files to each account. The next part of my workflow is I need to go through and edit each wp-config file in each folder to match my database info. Since I think i can only do work on the web i went to a browser based ftp site and was able to get to the point where i open the wp-config file for editing. Now i need to know how to fine the current database info and replace it with the correct database info. Is there any way we can do a find an
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