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Everything posted by wolfheart

  1. https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/06/10/238213/facebook-turned-off-search-features-used-to-catch-war-criminals-child-predators-and-other-bad-actors "The human rights and war crimes community is up in arms over Facebook's decision to turn off a set of advanced features in its graph search product, which is "a way to receive an answer to a specific query on Facebook, such as 'people in Nebraska who like Metallica,'" reports BuzzFeed News. "Using graph search, it's possible to find public -- and only public -- content that's not easily accessed via keyword search." The decision, which was not
  2. Ubot theme packs will be back soon... getting things sorted with admin. (apparently Wordpress sucks lol(hack me now plz)) Styling a bot literally in a second with prepared themes seem to be a hot item. bless... Its been a long time since I made these themes (They Work Beautifully by the way), I came along way... my next project may just "ROCK YOUR WORLD". think outside the box IM back...
  3. Remove the description variable... its not scraping anything...
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