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Everything posted by Yagami

  1. Yagami


    The best way to do what you want if I understand correctly, is to first scrape all the usernames you want to follow and store them in a list. Once you have what you want, you can create the script that will go trough your list, navigate to each profil and follow them. If you want to do it randomly you may want to have your usernames list stored in a table so that you can add an argument column that says if the profil has been followed or not. I hope that helps.
  2. I've registered hours ago and no link confirmation received yet.
  3. Here is my code, but you should test it on this page or similar https://www.pinterest.ca/moderncatmag/followers/ clear list(%searchlistfollowers) set list position(%searchlist,1) loop($list total(%searchlist)) { navigate("https://www.pinterest.ca{$list item(%searchlist,$list position(%searchlist))}","Wait") click(<data-reactid=149>,"Left Click","No") loop(20) { run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight); ") wait for browser event("Page Loaded","") wait(1) } add list to list(%searchlistfollowers,$scrape attribute(<href=w
  4. Have you tested it on the followers page? Ok, I'll post my code when I get home.
  5. It works when you search for profils "search -> People", but once you've clicked on a profile and clicked on "followers" to see the number of followers of that profile the code will not work.
  6. Thank you for the answer, but what you are trying to do with your code won't work on Pinterest because expect the 10 first profils, the data is passed through the header and you can't find it in the html source code.
  7. You can't.Profile pictures are resized when you submit them.
  8. As I said in my first post "I'm a beginner in Javascript/jQuery and I don't know where to start.". So I don't have any code because I don't know what to do Thank you for taking the time to look into my issue. I expected a lot from this product and it's forum, but unfortunately I'm thinking about quitting and asking for a refund. I went directly for the dev version but I didn't think that the forum is here for people who make money selling plugins and not to help each others.
  9. I can scroll the page but I can't scrape more than the first 10 results, All the data that is loaded is passed through Ajax. Even if I can see it on screen, nothing can be seen on source code, it's all loaded on the header.
  10. No one has even the beginning of an answer? Stuck at my first 2 days of UBS use and no help coming
  11. Hi, I just got a developer copy of ubot and I'm trying to learn by scrapping Pinterest, may be not the easiest one, but I'm facing a big issue.I've scrapped the search people page with success, but scrapping the followers of those profiles is another story. In fact the data is updated with Ajax after every scroll. I want to extract the username in the body response, I don't care if all the body is extracted as I can use a regex for that. screenshot: https://ibb.co/mPUx0w I'm a beginner in Javascript/jQuery and I don't know where to start. Can you guys tell me what to look for? I can't find t
  12. Thanks the support get back to me ans resolved the problem.
  13. Hi, New here, I just purchased (Yesterday) a developer copy of UBot and I can't install it (see screenshot for error). What am I doing wrong? I've opened a support ticket yesterday and still no reply Screenshot: https://ibb.co/cm8knb Thx
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