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Posts posted by myubo

  1.  Can't seem to figure out how to change the dropdown menu on the code.  Can anyone have a look?

    <label class="json-form-item select auto_fuel_type req variant-select">
    <div class="label-wrapper">
        <span class="label">fuel</span>
        class="json-form-input no-js auto_fuel_type">
        <option value="">-</option>
        <option value="1">gas</option>
        <option value="2">diesel</option>
        <option value="3">hybrid</option>
        <option value="4">electric</option>
  2. So I'm trying to click on this innertext on the code below, but since the NUMBER before the word VIEW, and CLASS constantly change how would I go about this?

    <div class="tBJ dyH iFc">36 Views</div>

    I was hopping something like this would work but it doesn't: 

    click(<innertext="* Views">,"Left Click","No") 
  3. Have issues with some of my bots hanging freezing.  


    Was typing to figure out a way to make the bot do an automatic reset browser if the bot doesn't for example finish a loop within 60 seconds.   If the bot freezes/hands on a loop it would automatically do a reset browser and start over so I don't have to manually kill it and restart it.


    Can I have  in new browser check on the first browser and if its frozen have it reset the both browsers maybe and start from the start?  Or is there another easier way to get this done?

  4. Hi I need to add a line to my bot which deletes a file from AppData/Roaming/.../file.txt


    Since every person has a different path to AppData folder how do you go about this?  How do you find out what the current users username is e.g:   C:\\Users\\  THIS COULD BE ANYTHING  \\AppData\\...?


    I tried without success:  delete file("{$special folder("AppData")}\\Roaming\\...

  5. Noob coder here guys cant figure out how to make this work.  I am scraping FB Group URLs to a list, I can than do a click random list item and it work fine.  BUT if I try to do navigate random list item instead of click random list item it does not work.  URL at the top of the bot for example just looks like something like this:  group/88475795 instead of facebook.com/group/88475795 if I try navigate random list item.


    How can I add facebook.com/ to the last bit that I scrapped which is /group/88475795 and get navigate to work?



    add list to list(%grouplinks,$scrape attribute(<href=w"/groups/*">,"href"),"Delete","Global")

    click(<href=$random list item(%grouplinks)>,"Left Click","No")
    add list to list(%grouplinks,$scrape attribute(<href=w"/groups/*">,"href"),"Delete","Global")
    navigate($random list item(%grouplinks),"Wait")
  6. Sorry guys total noob with coding.  


    I'm trying to send an email to myself anytime an error occurs in one of my bots.  I know I can just put #error in the body of the message but I would also like to add some text + error number.  


    So body of the message would look something like this:  facebook bot, error number #error


    I dont know how to put plain text and #error in the same field


    How do I code that into the "So how\'s it going" field?




    connect to mail server("SMTP With SSL", "Username Here @gmail.com", "Password Here", "smtp.gmail.com", 587) {

    send email("recipient's email here", "Hello", "Plain Text", "So how\'s it going?", "", "", "")

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