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Everything posted by AtmoPress

  1. Perhaps you could use $eval or run python ($run python with results) to execute some of that logic in Javascript or Python, respectively? Edit: Just noticed you're on Professional. Python is in developer edition only (I believe).
  2. Ahh! Thanks for the clarification Pash. No worries. Definitely a bummer that the Ubot API works that way, but I'll figure out a workaround. Thanks for the quick support! :-)
  3. Hey Pash! Love your plugins! I ran into one problem recently with the Advanced Data Text File plugin. When using the list remove parameter or command, it doesn't appear to work with local lists. I had it filtering a list to remove entries containing the string "gif" and when I used it against a local list, it wouldn't work. As soon as I make the list Global, it works perfectly. Both the list and the List Remove parameter were contained within the same define, so this wasn't a scoping issue. I appreciate any help you can offer. :-) Example Code: define local list example { add list
  4. Thanks man! You know you got a great community when members are composing poems/songs about your product/service!
  5. Your suggestions were immensely helpful. So, thank you! It was pretty cool to search the forum see how nearly unanimously everyone suggested the ExBrowser and HTTP Post plugins. I also enjoyed when I watched the demo video of ExBrowser and realized that one of the bots I was going to purchase a few months back was most likely made with Ubot + ExBrowser! I've also joined up on the Skype group, so that should be cool to see what kind of problems/solutions people come up with.
  6. Thanks for all of the tips everyone. I've so far picked up the HTTP Post plugin, ExBrowser, and some of Pash's "Advanced" plugins including Advanced Ubot 1 & 2 and Advanced Data Text File :-)
  7. Thanks HelloInsomnia! I appreciate your guidance on this :-)
  8. Thank you so much for your very thoughtful reply and your suggestions. I'd also like to invite anyone else to include their suggestions. I'm excited to see what I can do with Ubot.
  9. Thanks Pro! I've been browsing the plugins area. Any that you might suggest as being "must have?" My concern with the plugins is that the companies behind them continue to be around. I love the open nature of allowing anyone to code plugins for your platform, but that's the primary drawback. It's one of the issues that WordPress often has. Have you had any issues with plugins made for Ubot?
  10. Thank you all for the greetings! I've liked it so far. I haven't gotten too deep into it as I've been so busy, but I definitely think it'll be an important language for me to know for what I want to do. Thanks TJ! I see you've built quite the business from bots. Is it what you do full-time? What was the first bot you made? I'm also curious how you manage the licensing and auto-updates for your bots.
  11. Hey Macster, thanks for the welcome. I luckily have about 5 books covering different aspects of Python on the way as well as Treehouse. The real trick for me is making the time :-). Hopefully in a couple years I'll be a pro at Python.
  12. Hi There, I recently purchased Ubot Developer and look forward to making bots. I'm currently on the 8th video in the training. I've dabbled in coding for the last 15-17 years. I started out with HTML and PHP when I was really young and I've slowly added to my skill set. Other skills I've learned include CSS, Javascript, MySQL, RegEx (just enough to be help me through tedious tasks) and I'm starting to learn Python. I've also used Team Treehouse in the past to help learn coding (I highly recommend it for those who want to learn to code). I've used another bot maker in the past, but just as
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