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Everything posted by derago21

  1. I went through it, But still not getting the actual logic to do it. Can you please help me out. add list to list(%newlist,$list from file("C:\\Users\\DRG\\Desktop\\2url.txt"),"Delete","Global") I want to pull line 10 to line 20 from the txt file and add it to the list. Once that is completed, it should be removed from the list and then I want to pull from line 21 to 30, etc., How to achieve it? Please share your inputs.
  2. Hello All, Here is my scenario, Step 1: Login to Ahrefs.com Step 2: goto Batch Analysis, which will let you analyze only 2 url's for a registered user and for paid user you can do it for 200 URL's. Step 3: I have URL's on a text file. Now i want Ubot to pick the first 2 URL's from the file and insert it in batch analysis and analyze. Step 4: After the analyze is done for the 2 URL's there is a option to export it. Step 5: Repeat step 3 and it should proceed from URL 3, 4 and it should go on until the last line of the text file. Can someone please help me on this. Thanks in Advance, Der
  3. Ah it finally worked, Thank you:)
  4. Thank you for the prompt responce. I'm a standard User, I cannot put the code directly into Ubot (Please correct me, if am wrong). Can you please export it as .ubot and share it to me. Update: I tried the same approach like yours, using a shared browser and save download file. The script is completed, but i dont see the saved file. Please help me out. Screenshot: http://prnt.sc/dcn5wu
  5. Hi, I'm new to Ubot, But I'm having a hard time downloading a txt file from a website and saving it. Here is the Scenario, Step 1: goto expireddomains.net Step 2: login Step 3: navigate to deleted .com step 4: hit the .txt file icon, which is ready to export. I almost did everything, But when the node clicks on the export to .txt. the dialog open. But It's not saving it. Can someone do a test and share the code to me please. Thanks in Advance Derago21
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