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Everything posted by steveo

  1. Is there any command to invoke a script tab from another tab? At first I though the point of having multiple script tabs was so that you could break up larger scripts into modules. But it seems when you hit the run button it only runs the selected tab. The only way I can think of is turn every tab into a function.
  2. Thanks Deliter. That did the trick. Before I read your post I'd gone as far as trying to write a plugin with my own selector function but realised the API doesn't have an interface for whatever object type a selector returns.
  3. Hi Deliter. That will work fine if there's only one table row. But there's two and I only want to click the one that contains the text "test black list". I should have posted a bit more of the html. And to clarify, this table could have any number of rows in it and the target row could be in any position so I can use a fixed position or anything like that. I need to start from "<td class="ng-binding">test black list</td>" which is effectively a unique marker then navigate to the next TD then down to the first A tag. <tr ng-repeat="item in blacklists" class="ng-scope">
  4. I'm trying to click an edit button in a table and I'm struggling to figure out the ubot way of doing this. Here is the row from table. <tr ng-repeat="item in blacklists" class="ng-scope"> <td class="ng-binding">test black list</td> <td class="text-right"> <a href="#" ng-click="setEdit(item)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i></a> <a href="#" ng-click="delItem(item)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i></a> </td> </tr> The element I need to click is this one "<a href="#" ng-c
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