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Everything posted by johnwalton

  1. Hi & thanks for responding, 1. there is one additional piece of data that Must to be passed. It's field ID is 'id' and it's string format is digits separated by commas. How do I include that data into the request? Screenshot of it. https://www.screencast.com/t/SpzvKUVVj 2. The ExBrowser creator mentioned using cURL and Advanced shell which sounds ideal for API calls but i get this error #Post: The screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified 3. @HelloInsomnia Are these your sites? (just curious!) http://imautobots.com/ https://elitebotters.com/
  2. hey thats awesome man! 700 sales, your crowd must be 3000-5000? To find more new customer's you may want to consider creating a look-a-like audience with your buyers emails, those are gold, and plug those into both FB and Google ads. the look a like audience feature is the best way to target new people available so far, but you need to have buyers emails or other buyers data, google and facebook's algorithms are absolutely Jedi. They want you to spend your money with them lol Again great job, 700 sales in 3 months is damn impressive
  3. This is first time configuring API and i've been stuck on this for hours. I get this error; "#postWidgetUpdate: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found" It looks like my config is wrong, How do i populate the 'body' field below represented by the -d which is after the 3 preceding 'HTTP Set Headers'. That might do it. Any help would be great here's the code and docs. curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer e62a04f681ba57d0120f8f584b688e31f04cf41d" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \ -d '{"id": "32,35,57"}' \ -------------- def
  4. johnwalton

    Yes he's got thousands of dollars per month worth of tools in there. the Only downside is that you'll share it with 100 other people lol
  5. Hi Botters, I'm trying to identify faces in an image and then crop around the face. Is it possible to make this function? How would this be done, any tips? This would be a great addition to the advanced image plugin i think. Thanks.
  6. Hi, While troubleshooting i find myself needing to verify that certain variables (in a sequence), that 'Do not equal nothing' inside the debugger, I'm basically running through the process and make sure each segment is setup. it takes a long time to do it one by one with the Filter feature. Wish there was a search function! Is there a shortcut to search within the uBot Debugger? Thanks!
  7. johnwalton

    Yes, this service includes STM and Madd private forums and Many spy tools which are your eyes and ears to know what is working right now and where you can start. http://affcheaptools.com/amember/aff/go/johnwalton it's 67 or something and you get over $1000/month of super relevant tools to get started. ping me on skype if ya want, i've been full time since 2011 and know the market intimately. There's some tools that go for $400 a month and uBot could be designed to do this. The customers can pay a lot for tools, $1000 a month for the 'big' affs is normal. There's a market there! If uBot co
  8. Hi fellow uBotters, I'm trying to set a date range to base reports off of and this plugin would REALLY help. The main thread for this plugin is live but the host website is down http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/13665-free-plugin-datetime-manipulation/ Does anyone have the 'Datetime Manipulator' plugin still and they'd like to share? Or perhaps there's another method? Thanks!
  9. Thank you for the responses. Just got Dev version it's great. Will check out your recommendation.
  10. Hello, i'm making data driven, decision making bots and sometimes i find myself nesting tons of 'Qualifiers' and it looks messy and there's got to be a better way. For example i just nested 8 '$boths' in an 'IF', each with it's own '$comparison'. Is there an advanced qualifier or advanced data processing plugin out there? If someone knows a plugin with this that'd be great =) Thanks,
  11. Hi ubotters! I could not find the answer so i'm posting here. 1. Is there a hotkey to quick edit nodes? (instead of right clicking and editing) That would be great. Like alt+left click. Is there a plugin that has this? 2. Is there a way to get a search function in uBot to quickly navigate the code in #1 'Code View' and #2 'the Debugger' . It can get chaotic real quick when you're starting at hundreds of variables Thanks.
  12. Thanks!!! This logic worked perfectly. No more 'error converting value' for now.
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