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Everything posted by ed08724

  1. a simple example is in the first line of the example code. set(#isbnfile," 0078025877 978-0078025877","Global")you can see if you put both in the editor it works fine. I think ubot is not interpreting the characters correctly when put into a string
  2. ubot 5 and I mean the regex editor that can test regex on the view menu in ubot. the regex is fine it just needs to be escaped properly to be put in a string.
  3. Can someone please help me getting the following regex to work. the regex works fine in the regex editor but not in the code. I tried using \\ in place of every \ and that got rid of the errors but it didn't find any results. set(#isbnfile," 0078025877 978-0078025877","Global") clear list(%isbns) add list to list(%isbns,$find regular expression(#isbnfile,"(?:ISBN(?:-1[03])?:? )?((?<=[^\\d])|(?<=^))(?=[0-9X]{10}([^\\d]|\\Z)|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){3})[- 0-9X]{13}([^\\d]|\\Z)|97[89][0-9]{10}([^\\d]|\\Z)|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){4})[- 0-9]{17}([^\\d]|\\Z))(?:97[89][- ]?)?[0-9]{1,5}[- ]?[0-9]+[- ]?[0-
  4. That seems to be for a windows dialog not a javascript box and is specific to file dialog box.
  5. I had a script that was working fine then I added a blank line between lines 1 and 2 and saved the script. The script wouldn't run so I exited ubot and reloaded the script. Now all lines after line 1 are gone. Does ubot create any backup files. I have gone back into ubot a few times to try to reload but have not saved anything except the first time after adding the blank line. Thanks
  6. I need a way to deal with javascript exit pops and other js popups. On some sites I can simply disable javascript and that works fine but on others it doesn't because the sites are doing ajax postbacks on a timer. In some cases I can scrape the url for the postback and navigate to that url but many other sites it has to be a post and not a get. This is for traffic exchanges and revshare sites where you need to surf x sites every day and the sites may or may not have exit pops. There is also another site that has a javascript popup to confirm you want to continue and if I disable javascript and
  7. I have that folder but it is empty. must be a setting somewhere to enable autosave
  8. I was not trying to get someone to debug my code. I was just asking why the program doesn't stop when told to do so either via the error box or the stop button and how one would go about debugging when the variables have changed from the point of the error until the time I bring up the debugger.
  9. Thanks CJ that works great and saves a step. Rather than clearing it then type texting it to something I can just change the attribute to what I was type texting and not even bother clearing it.
  10. I use the following to add lines to a variable in a loop then write to a file and they are each on a new line. they key i the $new line which moves to the next line. set(#mylist,"{#mylist} {#referrals} {#paidrefs} {#name}{$new line}","Global")
  11. trying to figure out how to type text CTRL-a to clear an input box rather than lots of backspaces. currently using type text(<name="refSearch">,"\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}\{BS\}","Standard") Thanks Ed
  12. A far as I know I am not running threads. I wrote all the code and not even sure what a thread is. I just click the red run arrow at the top to start the program.
  13. trying to understand how to debug a problem such as "can't subtract strings". I only get the error once every few hours. when I click stop the script keeps loading pages in the browser window. It continues to load different pages for a few minutes or sometimes seems to never stop. I can't click stop because it thinks the script is already stopped so isn't clickable but the run button is. I can't use the debugger to check variables if they continue to change from the running script. Why doesn't the script stop when I click stop in the error box?
  14. pash: when it happens again I will give that a try. Thanks
  15. cүвεя_נυηкιε: Thanks for responding. neither of those will work because the alert box is modal meaning it takes all focus. You cannot click anything else within ubot including stop, close, or even a user button. I ended up doing a Ctrl-alt del and ending ubot
  16. my loop is too quick. after either clicking ok or pressing enter the alert box just flickers and re appears before I could even move the mouse. I even tried another macro program to click either x or stop immediately after clicking ok and ran it 10,000 times to no avail. crazy there is no ctrl-break like in other IDEs.
  17. I forgot to increment a variable and now I am stuck in an infinite loop that displays an alert box. I did not save my project in the last hour. How can I break out of the loop? Since it keeps displaying the alert I can't click stop. I have tried quickly pressing enter, to dismiss the alert box, then clicking stop but doesn't work. And ideas? Thanks!
  18. sorry deliter. I missed your comment. I got this to work which is similar to what you said only with <a vs <div add list to list(%url,$scrape attribute(<a,class="replaceClass">,"href"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") Thanks guys. P.S. I tried what deliter suggested and that worked also.
  19. I had tried href and that didn't work. I just tried fullhref and that returns the url of the webpage not the url in the div. I had tried all the attributes on the advanced element editor but none returned the correct data. I will try all the ones in the drop down menu as it seems to have more than the advanced element editor. Thanks.
  20. given the following html which occurs multiple times per page how can I get the url into a list. <div class="refReferrals"> <a class="replaceClass" href="http://mysite.comt/ajax/referrals/get_list/18287"id="ref-18287" data-id="18287" data-div="downline-18287"> Referrals: 5 </a> </div> I can get the number of referrals with: add list to list(%referrals,$scrape attribute(<div,class="refReferrals">,"innertext"),"Don't Delete","Global") Thanks
  21. I solved it. it was a timing issue. I was page scraping after the original page loaded before the ajax fetched the updated info from the server. I put a delay in and now it scrapes the generated source which has the info I need.
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