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Posts posted by lolada

  1. Hello boys, i'm having a problem making a bot, the website has some buttons in javascript and when i try to click with ubot browser, even mannually, it just does nothing but if you open it in normal browser it is working. Already tried to use all the possibilities of useragent and still not working. Someone has an idea of a possible solution?

  2. That's unusual, but not necessarily surprising. I've already seen a handful of scenarios where something that might work for one individual might not ultimately work for someone else. What version of UBot Studio do you happen to be using?

    Im using 5.9 version

  3. Actually... it just occurred to me that you might be able to solve your challenge by bypassing the use of the HTML "img" tag and the "src" attribute to display images. Depending on your situation, something like this might be a suitable alternative:

    <div variable="#image1" fillwith="innerhtml"></div>

    The above code would replace this (see below) inside your UI HTML Panel command:

    <img src= #image1 alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">

    What you'd then do is format the contents of the #image1 variable that is getting continually updated to look like this:

    set(#image1,"<img src="https://example.com/image.png" alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">","Global")

    You'd replace the HTML "img" tag "src" attribute with the corresponding link to the image you're seeking to display.


    Hopefully this helps point you in a productive direction that ultimately leads to a viable solution.


    thank you for answer but it keeps not updating. The first link to image is what shows all the time, even when link changes it keeps showing the first image

  4. Hi. I'm not entirely sure that I understood the question, but it sounds like you have an application that visits various websites. The application scrapes data from those websites. You'd like for various images within your UI HTML Panel to change as the aforementioned scraping takes place. (Am I understanding you so far?)


    Something that immediately appears to be potentially problematic with the code snippet you shared is that the UBot Studio variables you mention (#image1, #image2, etc) are not surrounded by curly brackets. (Something that would look more like this: {#image1}) Also, the HTML <img> "src" attribute typically  has quotation marks around it. (Something that would look more like this: img src=" ").


    Thank you for answer, link of image is saved on a variable, what i want is when the link changes, the image on html panel updates.

  5. Hello guys i'm having a problem because im using "ui html panel" and i want to make images changing while he scrapes from website, the problem is the link changes but ui html panel do not update it, the link of images keeps changing but html panel only show the first one (when bot started), if i stop the bot and edit the code of html panel, he updates to the last one again (only if i do manual). Any way to make ui html panel to update everytime is changes?


    code html panel:


    <img src= #image1 alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">
    <img src=#image2 alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">
    <img src=#image3 alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">
    <img src=#image4 alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:50px;height:50px;">
  6. Hello i need to solve a capcha v2 but i cant find the callback, someone can help pleaase?


    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global")
    clear list(%Debug)
    add list to list(%Debug,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com recaptcha", "#AccessKey", #GoogleKey, $url, "", "", 50, 120, "", "", "", "V2"),"Delete","Global")
    change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"value",$list item(%Debug,1))
    run javascript("___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].aa.l.callback")
    comment("run javascript(\"___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].aa.l.callback()\")")


    site is this one:




    after put the phone number ( doesnt matter wich is) appears the captcha

  7. Hello guys, im trying to make a program to do a serch on google, open each result, scrape page and go back, then next page and do the same till no more results. With the scrape im fine, problem is: how i will click each link and know if all were clicked and then click next page and do the same again? Anyone with a brilliant idea for it?

  8. Hello guys i have this code, actually when i start it gives no error, but in the end it just does nothing, does not create the mp4 file, anyone with a solution for this?


     download youtube video("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ0mxQXmLsk","{$special folder("Desktop")}/test.mp4")

  9. Hello guys i need to scrape atribute, want to search for innertext "insane" and give the result as "online2". my problem is that there is one class inside another one. so i always get answer "player" instead of "online2"

    any idea how i can do it?



    website code:

    <td class="player">

                    <img src="img/x.gif" class="online2">

                    <a href="/spieler.php?uid=5600">Insane</a>



    i'm using this code:


    set(#test$scrape attribute(<innertext=" Insane">"class"), "Global")

  10. set(#GoogleKey$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">"data-sitekey"), "Global")


    hello guys i have this code but cant scrape the google site key, maybe site has it hidden, any solution for that to do updatable google captchas?

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