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Everything posted by augustorusso

  1. try not to use $element offset. maybe <class="add"> as parameter works for you, check if there isn't any other node with class="add" if it still not work, try to change the zoom (%) of the page, it seems strange, but i've had clicking problems many times and chaning the zoom solved.
  2. hi namstery21, Usually this is the xptah to write the answer: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text", "x://*/input[@name=\'g-recaptcha-response\']", #V_Responce)
  3. Hi everyone, I use Death By Captcha and ExBrowser. Ubot has "reject captcha" command but it doesn't works with ExBrowser so I'm losing $ everytime the plug in can't solve a captcha. Does someone knows how to use the reject captcha command in ExBrowser when the plug in doesn't solve the captcha to get the money back ? An example would be nice ! Thanks
  4. Hello everyone ! I'm having problems with advanced captcha death by captcha, when captcha isn't correctly solved, my reject captcha command isn't working example: if($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Element Exist", "x://*/input[@id=\'imgCaptcha\']")) then reject captcha comment("##### NÃO DECEFROU O CAPTCHA #####") set(#V_Msg,"?????SITUAÇÃO NÃO ESPERADA: Captcha não decifrado.","Global") run command("Rotinas
  5. Hi everyone ! I'm trying to confirm during few days this dialog button and i'm not obtaining sucess, i have already tryed commands like exbrowser confirm dialog, exbrowser send especial key(enter, tab, etc), exbrowser bring browser to focus (before clicking) and run javascript (tryed some commands click). This is the source code of the page: view-source:https://pje.tjmg.jus.br/pje/login.seam?loginComCertificado=false&cid=43628 Link: https://pje.tjmg.jus.br/pje/login.seam?loginComCertificado=false&cid=42424 This dialog appears after clicking on the button "Acessar com ce
  6. Damm, definitely that's easier, I hadn't thought like this, haha. easy peasy set(#V_NMArqTrab,$next list item(%L_ArqsDoDir),"Global") move file("{#V_DirDownloadArqs}\\{#V_NMArqTrab}","{#V_DirDownloadArqs}\\{$list item(%MinhaLista,#idLista)}") About the download URL, that's not an option, no link <button aria-disabled="false" role="button" id="tabViewProcesso:gedEFileDataTable:GedEFileViewDt:0:j_id_2gl_8_5_3k" name="tabViewProcesso:gedEFileDataTable:GedEFileViewDt:0:j_id_2gl_8_5_3k" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-d
  7. Hello Dan ! usecase: I have a loop where I download files, but each file needs to be saved in separated folders. How the function web browser launcher is outside of this loop (and it's where I set the default directory), it's impossible to set it again without lauching again (and I can't do that), so all the files are being downloaded at the same folder and I need to organize them in the respective folders. Hope you understand, thanks !
  8. Hello guys ! I know how to set the default directory in Firefox using "$ExBrowser Generic Firefox Preference", "browser.download.dir", but I'm in a different situation. I need to set this directory after i have already launched the Firefox Browser, after searching in ExBrowser Manual, I didn't find anything, but I'm thinking if it is possible to use some cookie command/function to set with it opened, can someone help me with this, please ? Other ways are welcome too. Thanks
  9. Hey Guys!!!! We are using the plugin Death by Captcha for Ubot studio but we cant found a documentation explaining how to use and to pass parameters from plugin to API. Could you help us?
  10. Hello guys! I am using plugin ExBrowser and I need to automatically download pdf file as soon as the page has been load. What I changed in the properties of Portable Document Format PDF in the firefox options was "Save" with line command. I tried the command "pdfjs.disabled" but not successful, because a new window is opened and i have proceed manually instead of auto download. Thanks.
  11. it worked pash, thank you very much ! i'm using like this: set(#Pag2,$find regular expression(#Pag,"\\(\\d+ of \\d+\\)"),"Global") so i can reuse the result
  12. Hello guys, i'm having some problems when trying to get some numbers from a text using regex, this is the text: N/ICompanySearch Main SearchReset SearchInitial RegistrationExcel LawsuitPdfExcel ConsolidatedAlter ColumnsSort Column(1 of 151)pp12345678910pp50100150 ID Lawsuit Number Company Party Opposing Party State External ID File Plaintiff Defendant District Court i'm trying to capture (1 of 151) using this regular expression: \(([0-9]?){3} of ([0-9]?){3}\) The funny part is that when I use the regex editor to test, it works correctly, but not when i run the code using the f
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