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jipeanu last won the day on August 2 2023

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About jipeanu

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  1. I have created a plugin for my needs using Selenium chromedriver, and I have implemented the functionality of an external browser (something like exbrowser). You can use your own version of chromedriver and portable Chrome, as well as the embedded one, as shown in the video. Would anyone be interested in this plugin? I would like to add more commands and functions (I welcome suggestions). If I were to sell it, I would offer a lifetime license for a not-so-high amount, up to $50. Alternatively, if someone wants to partner for the development and promotion of this plugin, you can contact me via
  2. Dreambooth plugin Tutorial - Generate images in seconds dreambooth tutorial.mp4
  3. I have developed an openAI plugin for Ubotstudio. This is beneficial if you do not have the enterprise version, as it provides a similar functionality. By acquiring this plugin at a low cost of only $17 as a one-time payment, you will also receive another excellent plugin for FREE. The bonus plugin, called "dreambooth plugin," allows you to generate unique images using an API key from stablediffusionapi.com, which is another feature included in the enterprise version. These plugins are highly advantageous if you do not already possess the enterprise version. See the tutorial he
  4. Hello, When I add this to my script : add list to list(%_rawCaptcha, $plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com", #_apiKey, #GoogleKey, "", "Recognize ReCAPTCHA Type 4", "", $url), "Delete", "Global") ,after I compile the bot the UI is not show up . If I remove it , the bot compiles ok . Any ideeas ,please . Thank you Dan
  5. Hello , How can scrolling a popup ?
  6. Hi, guys I've just starting to learn ,I try to create a gmail account creator ,I'm stuck to terms and condition popup ,what to use ? I've tried with java script ,it's not working ,I've tried simulating down keyword ,same it's not working . Need help with this ,please. Thanks
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