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Everything posted by MaximusAurelius

  1. Just create a bot that uses an iterator and a while loop that goes through the loop while the value of the iterator is less than a variable, which in this case equals 1,000. The bot runs fine in Ubot studio when I click run, but when I try to compile the bot, when the task bar gets to 100%, I getting the following error: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection. When I check the debugger, the iterator equals the value of the variable, so the loop is not setting the list (array) beyond
  2. Seems to be utf-8 encoding related, however the other issue I'm having is that when I try to switch the encoding to UTF via import data from text in Excel, the address's (which contain a line break and a comma) are getting thrown to new rows). I tried switching the table delimiter to a semicolon, but that still didn't work. Ubot extracted the information perfectly, but going from Ubot to CSV is resulting in some odd row breaks
  3. Having an export issue, after saving a scrape to a table and then saving that table to a csv, when I open the CSV, I have a ton of   and other special characters like Â| in there for things like accented o's or a's, or just in places where there were spaces. When I open the debugger and view the lists in Ubot, there are none of these special characters at all. Any advice for cleaning export files, or better yet ensuring that all exports from Ubot are nice and clean?
  4. Hey Guys, I scraped a list that ended up pulling a full address and I want to parse end one of the line items to columns in a table (see attached picture), how do I do this? I tried 'add the list to table as column', but when I save it to a CSV and then open the file, only the first line ("Amf") of the whole address was saved. Looking to have each line go to a different column (Name, Address, phone #, etc.) Any idea? Probably an easy fix but I can't figure it out.
  5. Just finished plowing through Tutorial 5 on the Ubot site, but unfortunately that video is horribly outdated and the source code of Google has changed significantly. There is no <class = "l"/> tag anymore, only the <class = "r"/> tag which gives you a bunch of www.google.com/ssl= results for your list items. If all that above means nothing to you, I guess my question is what is a updated and efficient way of scraping Google results, using either the $scrape attribute or $page scrape parameters?
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