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Everything posted by ksistrunk

  1. Tried what darry recommended and it basically minimizes it very small. I can see it very small at the bottom of my screen. But still does not resize. Thanks, Kris
  2. Ok great. But I have to get it to show itself first right? Does anyone already have a captcha solver for amazon or google?
  3. Hi Guys, My screen is always maximized so I cannot put my debugger on the same screen. How can i fix this problem? Is there a setting that I missed? Thanks, Kris
  4. Hi all Sometimes I get a captcha from google or Amazon How can I deal with that? Any ideas? Thanks, Kris
  5. It worked! Thanks. I was not very familiar with using "Element Child". Thanks again.
  6. Still not working. That picks up the whole page. Thanks but that gave me 89 results. Although the form was correct. I am just trying to get the links for the subcategory on the left. https://www.dollartree.com/household/kitchen-dining/500c526/index.cat Here is what I got <a class="" href="/household/kitchen-dining/drinkware/500c526c527/index.cat">Glasses</a><a class="" href="/household/kitchen-dining/Mugs/500c526c1218/index.cat">Mugs</a><a class="" href="/household/kitchen-dining/Barware/500c526c1111/index.cat">Barware</a><a class="" href="/ho
  7. Ok, So below are the links that I want to turn into urls. I have already scraped them into a list but I am having a problem removing the button stuff and adding in the "http://www.dollartree.combefore the sub directory. Also afterwards I do not need other stuff. I just need to make clean html links. Can you help. I think it with $replace but not sure how to get my head around it. Thanks, Kris Here are the links: <a class="" href="/household/kitchen-dining/drinkware/500c526c527/index.cat">Glasses</a><a class="" href="/household/kitchen-dining/Mugs/500c526c1218
  8. I just got some awesome help for scrapping dollar tree but have a question. Here is the link: https://www.dollartree.com/household/500/index.cat In trying to scrape the categories I right clicked on one of the categories and I got a dropdown menu. In this menu was the "scrape command" When I went over the "scrape command" the link I wanted to scrape was highlighted but when I clicked on it, nothing happened. What is that for? Where does the info go when I click it. The same for right click on the categories and clicking the "scrape parent <UL>" It highlighted all the cat
  9. Wow that's it. Sorry I did not learn about using the "$find regular expressions" way of getting it out. Thanks so much!
  10. navigate("https://www.dollartree.com/household/500/index.cat","Wait") clear list(%CategoryScrape) add list to list(%CategoryScrape,$scrape attribute(<class="">,"innertext"),"Delete","Global") Basically like this. I am trying to get the categories on the left side. Thanks, Kris
  11. Hi Guys, I am a relative newbie so a little green sorry. But dollartree is a beast to scrape. The categories are not showing up clearly and are covered with javascript or something. Can anybody help me to see what I should be doing to get the category links. 2 hours and still no success. Thanks, Kris
  12. Wow that looks complex. So basically I am replacing the ";" with the "," ? Can you just explain line 1 and 3 a little. I am a total newbie so that is why I am asking? I think it is strange that I get ";" in the first place.
  13. So I am saving a file in excel as a .csv file. (the standard .csv delimited not one of the other .csv saves excel offer) When I pull the file into ubot I read one row in the stat monitor and it was using ";" (semi colons instead of colons) This is basically messing up how the program reads the file. How do I fix this????? I should tell you that i am in germany and using windows in English but I think the problem is simplier. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Kris
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