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Big Jay

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Big Jay

  1. I came across this video which answered some questions I had about YouTube. You may find it interesting also...



    What I find most interesting is:


    1. this bit of old code controls what happens with the view counter


    2. For what we do as bot creators it would seem that we need to let our bot keep running even if the counter isn't moving.(the views are still being recorded and tracked behind the scenes)


    If the bot is indeed correctly spoofing views, and not leaking anything that would indicate that the views are from a bot then the counter will update once the views have been verified as legit by YouTube's view checking process. (which is automated). This process can take anywhere from half a day to a day. (so you could give it 48 hours to be on the safe side ;)

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  2. Bro this is the place to ask questions, don't feel bad for asking!


    Just be sure to do a search before you post, to make sure someone else hasn't all ready received an answer to your question.


    Oh, be sure to join the Skype group, there are alot of smart botters hanging out there.

  3. @TJ...


    So like this:


    define clear tracking {
       set(#agent, $rand(1, 969), "Global")
       if($comparison(#agent, "<=", 167)) {
        then {
    	    set user agent("Internet Explorer 10")
        else if($comparison(#agent, "<=", 511)) {
    	    then {
    		    set user agent("Firefox 6")
        else if($comparison(#agent, "<=", 928)) {
    	    then {
    		    set user agent("Chrome")
        else if($comparison(#agent, "<=", 969)) {
    	    then {
    		    set user agent("Safari")
        else {
       shell("cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q \"%APPDATA%\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\\"")
       clear cookies
       set proxy credentials($table cell(&proxy, #row, 2), $table cell(&proxy, #row, 3))
       change proxy("{$table cell(&proxy, #row, 0)}:{$table cell(&proxy, #row, 1)}")
    create table from file("YOUR_PROXY51_API_LINK", &proxy)
    set(#row, 0, "Global")
    loop($table total rows(&proxy)) {
       clear tracking()
       navigate("http://www.whatsmyip.org/", "Wait")


    Just trying to understand the best practices...

    • Like 1
  4. As the title says, I am finishing up my first useful bot, which is an account creator.


    I am quite excited, the last few weeks have been very frustrating at times, and parts of the learning curve (of which I am still going through) have been difficult to me at times. However tonight everything came full circle. I was able to sit down build a bot (about 4 hours of my time), I complied my bot, set it to create 100 accounts and went out to eat. When I came back home an hour or two latter all the accounts had been created, without me lifting a finger, or having to fill out a single captcha form!


    It is the most amazing feeling in the world to know that I created a fully functional bot! I feel like I may yet be able to figure ubot out, lol


    Mad props, and many thanks go to the amazing botters who make up this awesome community, and the many botters who took the time to answer my many questions over the past few weeks via the Skype group. I couldn't have gotten this far, this fast without your help. I just wanted to take a moment to share my story, and say thanks, now I gotta get back to bottin... I got some ideas for some added functionality for this bot ;)

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