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Big Jay

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Big Jay

  1. Thank for getting back to me so quickly Bliss! (Everytime I buy something online from someone that I haven't dealt with in the past, I cringe when I think about what their support will be like.) I was super impressed with you instantly getting back with me in the middle of the evening - then even answering my questions about ubot that had NOTHING to do with what you are selling here. Very cool!


    To anyone thinking of buying this product:


    This package is killer! I have bought a few source code packs from others and hands down this is the best one I have ever seen. What I liked the most is how clearly Bliss has commented the code - I picked up on so much of the thought process behind what various parts of the code were doing. That is knowledge alone will allow me to create better bots in the future. (and clearly if you are looking for an effective way to find elite proxies to use, this bot does that! You can tweak it do whatever else you want.)


    I recommend this product to everyone and anyone who is new to ubot, or anyone who is looking to learn how to create/use custom commands or simply looking to take their ubot skills to the next level. 

  2. If you aren't going to upgrade to dev, there are ways to mask your URL if you need it to be top secret. 


    I assume that you are allowing others to use the bots you are creating? You'd only have to sell a few bots before you had the cash to upgrade, then you'd never have to worry about it again, or jump through any hoops trying to mask domains.


    just my .02

  3. bigsocialnet dot com is bot friendly - it's built for botters first and real humans second. I see nothing wrong with this since the overall goal is to inflate your own (or the users own) social stats across various platforms.


    Their TOS say bots are not allowed... No auto clickers or external tools... etc


    I'm not saying that they will hunt you down if you bot on their network or anything (as I'm not affiliated with them I can't speak for them.)

  4. Ubot is a business. Many of us build and sell bots, and some offer life time free updates while others require a small monthly fee for updates. It's a solid business model that works.


    Why would we (many of us are full time marketers) have an issue with them squeezing a few bucks when they can? As marketers we do the exact same thing to our own customers in order to keep a good flow of cash coming in.


    No one could really be successful selling a single item for a single one-off payment and then support and improve it forever without additional payment.... As a business you couldn't survive.


    They have simply offered a value added service. No threat of force involved, simply an offer.


    I won't likely get it - like most others I purchased or created my own security along the way, but I like the thought of having it available just in case I ever decide to get it.




    I was going to type a reply similar to yours, but after reading yours I don't think I would have said it any better. 

  5. Ubot Buddy's course is very good. I am not sure if it is still being updated or not. (with ubot 5 right around the corner, that's something to keep in mind.)


    I'd suggest that as cash is tight right now that you buy all the courses that you can. There are several that I've seen floating around. Ubot Buddy's is the only one that I have personally used. Once your cash is right you should hire a tutor for one on one help. I've hired a few over the years and I liked Frank alot. I only had a few lessons with him, but learned a ton. His teaching style gelled well with my learning style. There are a few others here that offer one on one tutoring also that I haven't I worked with, but I heard good things about....

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