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Everything posted by leboseo

  1. Hi I am trying to make a if statement, if scrape attribute equals >5 then pause, else continue. I tried doing comparison but so far not working if($comparison($scrape attribute(<id="numberblock_ournumber">,"innertext"),"> Greater than",5)) { then { pause script } else { } }
  2. thanks zap is there a way to use it with next list item or list item ? I dont want it choosing a random line.
  3. Hi newbie I am using change attribute, but when I put in list item, it puts in the whole list. thanks
  4. I am not sure what you are referring to please clarify
  5. the state field is the one giving me problems thanks
  6. clear list(%email) add list to list(%email,$list from file("C:\\Users\\kp. -89o9\\Desktop\\ubot\\email.txt"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") add list to list(%credit,$list from file("C:\\Users\\kp. -89o9\\Desktop\\ubot\\vat.txt"),"Delete","Global") add item to list(%state,$list from file("C:\\Users\\kp. -89o9\\Desktop\\ubot\\state.txt"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") add list to list(%phone number,$list from file("C:\\Users\\kp. -89o9\\Desktop\\ubot\\phone numbers .txt"),"Delete","Global") add list to list(%city,$list from file("C:\\Users\\kp. -89o9\\Desktop\\ubot\\city.txt"),"Delete","Global") add
  7. Hi I cant figure out why when I add list to elem list item causing the bot to also click next page, on top of that if I take out $list item and put some random text it works just fine. cant figure out what is causing it to click next page. any help would be appreciated Thanks
  8. thank you works like a charm
  9. Hi Newbee to ubot, I am trying to use the windows commands but you does not exit full screen mode so I cant set x and y position. Thanks
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