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Everything posted by MIgartua

  1. Hi, I tried downloading your Tagged bot and Avast keeps blocking it because it says it has a virus. Do you have another link to download it from? God bless.
  2. Hi, I'd really apreciate it if you could take a look. Where can I email you the .ubot file? I don't want to post it here as I plan to sell it later.
  3. Hi, I'm hoping someone here can help me with this. I'm making a "friend adder" for quepasa.com (sort of like MySpace) It logges you in, then does a user search based on pre-chosen demographics. It then scrapes the profiles, the problem begins with the "next" button when the resulting list of profiles has several pages. For some reason when I hover over the link "Next" it displays this URL... http://www.quepasa.com/user/browse.php#act=srch&from=25&to=50&gender=2&photo=1&l=30&p=30&lang=es_MX&order=-1 But the "$scrape choose attribute" comand (with the
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