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Posts posted by -Illuminati-

  1. 2nd time I have done this just to check for something, not realizing I should of put a stop script command in there...




    If you don't know what's going on here, I ran the node which would be an infinite loop since in the current browser, the element in fact $exists, so I basically can't do anything else, no saving, no modifying ... You get it though.



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  2. Ok so the subject makes no sense probably, but the bot I have created is suppose to visit:http://www.ebesucher.com/surfbar/temp

    And then once it is there, it changes to a URL like here: http://pastebin.com/eWjk7C4u

    An extremely long random character URL. But for some reason, in UBot it doesn't go to that, it just constant refreshes on the website trying to achieve whatever it's doing. During the transition, you can quickly see the URL go to "http://www.ebesucher.com/index.php?link=surfbarlogin&goto=ajaxsurfbar&username=tempaccount" but then goes back to the URL, and continues to make more attempts to switch its URL.


    The bot should switch URL's like that, but I have no idea why in UBot it's not working. I thought it was my user agents, but that appears to not be the case. 

    How can I solve this?

  3. So I am trying to solve a captcha in UBot, and in order to continue with the captcha, you must strictly press "Play". The captcha is SolveMedia



    Is there anyway in UBot I can get it to click that play button specifically? Cause when I choose the element, it only selects the entire box.



    This is the element given when I use element to click: 





    When I open the element editor, this is what I am given: 



    <div id="adcopy-puzzle-image" style="height: 150px; width: 300px; text-align: left; "><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://cloudfront.solvemedia.com/acmedia/f/0/f0I51krdedeMNi/T/T3-J.vXDrdedRMaW.swf" style="width:100%;height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;" id="adcopy-puzzle-image-image"><param name="movie" value="http://cloudfront.solvemedia.com/acmedia/f/0/f0I51krdedeMNi/T/T3-J.vXDrdedRMaW.swf"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="FlashVars" value="url=http://www.gifthulk.com/engage/&clickTAG=http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/action?c=2@jdyYwSfhFxAOvLAF-6VzKtcgMtVstU.M@UakckNco6UwENU8bgrSyE39APTC4lJjonjSSU.V29G-uMRV8xDNWXk-D10xb1FHX2KgbvoM3ksD1oVQj2mTiVYXSmEu4MGNVa10knDA7F34BpfQOexShXT7.8a1L5u878iiKbWjRK8YhPduZXeXYgGM0mt4scG-4t4SQWE5uldte7MvWvbFde-FeM4Cg7EHM0ysa5QzJOu693vBJ7VhGbHB9EtsKG01yLSalYJD6Uo6OeS7e7rW9ROFnT4csz6T2g0oPoUP.Ec8qU0dW-a0zEXDYwMwjiKKFJkhFXIK0uoA&listener=adcopy_media_listener"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></object></div>



    Trying to finish a project, and that single captcha type alone is stopping the whole process.

  4. What's with people re installing there OS because bots wont run? I assume you at least rebooted the VPS/Computer right?



    Whenever I had an issue like that, I generally just needed to close any other brower.exe's and problem was solved.

  5. So I am trying to get UBot to solve a captcha for me after X amount of rounds completed, but when the captcha appears, it ignores it and keeps running the bot. 
    I thought maybe my code was going to fast that the pop up was not being detected, so I added a wait for 3 seconds before and after just to ensure. 
    When I first started creating the bot, it worked just fine, but I don't know what I changed to cause it to not work.
    I have tried different things for $comparison such as 
    else if($exists(<id="show-captcha-popup">)) {
        alert("Going to solve the captcha!")
        click(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">,"Left Click","No")
        type text(<name="adcopy_response">,$solve captcha(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">),"Standard")
        click(<value="Submit">,"Left Click","No")
    else if($exists(<id="show-captcha-popup">)) {
        alert("Going to solve the captcha!")
        click(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">,"Left Click","No")
        type text(<name="adcopy_response">,$solve captcha(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">),"Standard")
        click(<value="Submit">,"Left Click","No")
    and this
    else if($exists(<id="show-captcha-popup">)) {
        alert("Going to solve the captcha!")
        click(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">,"Left Click","No")
        type text(<name="adcopy_response">,$solve captcha(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">),"Standard")
        click(<value="Submit">,"Left Click","No")

    The item given definately exists, because I have ran the bot manually, and when the pop up appears, I check the code and it is the same each time, but uBot runs the comparison and claims it is not on the webpage, although its right in front of me...




    I even added the alert("Going to solve the captcha!") to ensure the captcha was not failing or something.






    When I use $document text it finds it immediately of course, but when it appears on the webpage it can't detect it.

  6. if($comparison(#usercaptcha,"=",$true)) {
        then {
            alert("You need to type in a captcha! (Press Green Arrow above to keep the bot running.")
            pause script
        else {
            alert("Captcha is disabled.")
            click(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">,"Left Click","No")
            type text(<name="adcopy_response">,$solve captcha(<id="adcopy-puzzle-image">),"Standard")
            click(<value="Submit">,"Left Click","No")

    That is if statement for the UI checkbox. I checked the variable of the checkbox and it is exactly "#usercaptcha" as it should be.

  7. Loop while. Check for a variable.

    And set that variable to false when you want to close it.



    Hey Dan, I am a bit confused, replace loop with loop while? If I end up doing that, how should I combat the issue of thread count?


    If it makes it easier, here is the full code to the project I have started.

    set(#threadsactive, 0, "Global")
    ui text box("eBesucher Surfbar URL", #surfurl)
    ui drop down("Set Threads", "1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100", #threadcount)
    ui open file("Open Proxy List", #proxylist)
    ui open file("Open User Agent List", #useragentlist)
    add list to list(%proxylist, $list from file(#proxylist), "Delete", "Global")
    add list to list(%useragentlist, $list from file(#useragentlist), "Delete", "Global")
    ui stat monitor("Proxies Imported:", $list total(%proxylist))
    ui stat monitor("User Agents Imported:", $list total(%useragentlist))
    ui stat monitor("Threads Active:", #threadsactive)
    loop(#threadcount) {
        in new browser {
            clear cookies
            set visibility("Visible")
            allow css("No")
            change proxy($list item(%proxylist, #proxyposition))
            set user agent($list item(%useragentlist, #useragentposition))
            navigate(#surfurl, "Wait")
  8. So when I followed one of Seth's videos on youtube for setting up threads, and well, when the bot runs the thread, it runs the commands, closes the thread, and starts a new one.



    How can I get it to keep the thread open and running? I tried wait for browser elements to load, and wait for 99999999 seconds, but that only allows 1 thread to run.



    Here is my code:

    loop(#threadcount) {
        in new browser {
            clear cookies
            set visibility("Visible")
            allow css("No")
            allow images("No")
            change proxy($list item(%proxylist, #proxyposition))
            set user agent($list item(%useragentlist, #useragentposition))
            navigate(#surfurl, "Wait")
  9. I guess I have got it to work with the following code:


    loop while($exists(<innertext="Could not create a connection to the proxy server.">)) {
        change proxy($list item(%proxy,#proxyposition))
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
  10. In your image you show that the loop while is based on something existing - So, as soon as it does not find what it is looking for, the loop while ends.


    So if I understand your code correctly - the moment your script hits a good proxy, the loop-while process ends.


    So as long as all of that code is nested inside of a loop, it should be fine.


    You might want to look around the forum a bit - there are people who have posted complete source code for proxy checkers.


    Yeah, I have searched a bit, my problem is getting the code to loop again when the proxy is bad. I compared mine to others, and its very similar, so I don't see what I am doing incorrectly.

  11. May i suggest you just let us see the code maybe we can help!


    I cant help you like this but i suspect your issue is quite simple you probably placed the wrong if statement 


    If Text Exists 

    Than Start $Loop While

    Else Continue with the script


    So Problem is Somewhere in your IF Statement!


    Problem Could be with Timing of it all (I Noticed you use Wait Command instead of "Wait for element")



    So if you could post your code we could help you!



    if($exists(<innertext="Could not create a connection to the proxy server.">)) {
        then {
            loop while($exists(<innertext="Could not create a connection to the proxy server.">)) {
                alert("Changing Proxy")
                change proxy($list item(%proxy,#proxyposition))
        else {

    That is my code for the entire if statement containing the loop.

  12. So my end goal is to make it visit http://whatismyip.com/ and if it can't get to the webpage, the proxy needs to be changed with a loop while that looks for a specific text given by the browser that $exists.


    When I set it to that text, and that text is on the web page, it skips the rest of the loop and goes on. I don't think my words are making very much sense, so here is a picture to describe what I mean:




    I intentionally placed a fake proxy for the first line so I can combat the issue.




    Post #7 contains my solution.

  13. ""Scenario 2:

    For the 2nd attempt I made to solve the problem was to just use $list position in all fields. Once I run the bot of course, on each run, all the information stays the same and doesn't change like it should.""


    Do you Increment your $list Position at the end of each loop?

    I do not, but that sounds like it would work. Only issue is increment accepts variables only.





    So I thought more about what I said, and how I am sure I can find a way to use your solution to fix my problem.


    Anyways, I created 5 variables all set at 0 at the beginning of the script, and once the loop starts, each field that needs a specific text from file will use $list item and will use $list position that is the variable I created earlier which starts at 0. Then at the end it'll increment  the variable, so the next loop is now on 1.



    Thanks a lot itexspert, I can now use this solution in future projects :)

  14. Hey Ubotters, currently right now I am having trouble with my lists & loop.


    When my bot runs, it adds to list the correct information as I need it, then the loop starts. This is where my problem starts.


    It should simply fill out the account register page with the information given, then save that information in a text file as field:field:field:field.


    Scenario 1:


    Now when I run the bot, it will use $next item, so that way in the loop, it moves onto the next list item. But as where a field needs to be entered twice, I will just use $list item for the 2nd field. As I watch the bot run, it ignores list item and the current position, and moves onto the next email on the list, which completely messes it all up. This goes the same format for the passwords as well.


    Scenario 2:

    For the 2nd attempt I made to solve the problem was to just use $list position in all fields. Once I run the bot of course, on each run, all the information stays the same and doesn't change like it should.



    I would post the file publicly, but I really don't want someone to take it and just modify my program and resell it for their own purposes.


    If anyone who thinks they have a solution please post, I will PM the source code to you along with some sample files to use.


    Through out this bot I have gotten little help, and am learning so much on my trial and error experience combined using the ubot wiki, just at this part here, I don't know what to do.



  15. Has anyone seen this done in UBot?


    I am attempting to make a Percent Completed UI stat that basically gives how much percent of the account logins have been created.


    It would use $list total to determine how many logins there are, and I thought maybe I could use increment some how, but I guess not because it only accepts variables.


    Anyone know how this can be accomplished?





    This is not 100% needed for what I am making, I am just wanting to learn more about UBot and test functions as I create my stuff.

  16. Hey everyone, so I am trying to create a bot, and my problem is how far the UI elements space apart whenever I had a log view to my bot.






    Here is a photo with log view added (log view is all the way to the right on the scale): http://puu.sh/iAiCB/c5431f4ba2.png



    Here is a photo without log view: http://puu.sh/iAiI6/b611ea8157.png



    Is there a command I can use, or a video tutorial to follow on how to properly set this up? Thanks.

  17. Those sites are showing different "errors". 

    One is showing 404 error. The other site is giving "404 document not found".


    You have to look into the page source code and check what they are returning. 

    And then check for that. 


    That stuff is covered in the tutorials. They are really helpful when you're starting.





    The first 2 URLs are the same, the 3rd should of been straight http://google.com/


    Since I fixed that URL, it works just fine now.


    Thanks for the help Dan.

  18. 1. Link Checker. 

    After your navigate command you need a pause. Otherwise your commands will run before the browser finished loading.

    You can use:

    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")

    or a wait command.


    You can also remove the stop script at the end of your script. ubot stops if there is nothing more to do.

    You also don't need the

    set list position(%importedlist,0)

    You clear the list and import it from the file. So the counter will be 0.


    2. The location of your files is stored in the 4 variables.

    At the beginning of your script you have:





    Which overwrites 3 of the 4 variables with 0. So therefore they don't contain the path to the file anymore. 

    And therefore you can't load them. And the list will be empty. 


    Only #referrer works because that's the only one you didn't delete.



    I highly recommend that you take a look at:



    Spend some time there and try to the examples yourself when you watch the videos.




    Thanks for the information. I've followed what you have instructed and was able to fix #2 with success. 


    As for #1, the same issue still occurs, even adding the wait for browser to load element.


    Could you take 1 more look to see what I might be doing wrong?


    The text file is a sample file for the checker.



    Link Checker.ubot

    Test Run.txt

  19. So I began trying to make a simple link checker in UBot, that would see if my clients Amazon review URL was either removed, or still up. I think I did pretty good for a newbie to get as far as I did with looking up commands and such.


    So my issue is, when the link checker is checking the list of URLs, I have it display how many URLs are "dead" or "alive". But whenever the bot runs, it says they are all "alive" although, the links aren't actually up. I used an if statement to increment my ui stat monitor variable if it contains X. And if it doesn't contain X, it should THEN increment variable Y.


    Bot attached called "Link Checker".

    Example URL to use: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2QC8OG07HHOU2/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm



    My 2nd problem is I started to make another bot in the time being since I was unable to find sufficient information regarding my issue.

    I am making an account creator for a website. Currently I am trying to make it update the ui stat monitor with how many proxies/names/logins/referrers they have provided. When I run the bot, only the # of referrers works, and none of the ui stat monitors work. I've looked at what I have inputted quite intensely, and I don't see how I setup referrer that makes it different then the others.


    All help is really appreciated. I would post code, but I only have the standard edition of uBot. I am not just posting here because I don't want to figure out how to do it, I just don't know what else I can do to solve my problem, and not many people know Ubot on forums except for this place of course. 


    I am running the latest version of UBot as well if it matters. 





    Added new files.

    Link Checker.ubot

    Account Creator.ubot

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