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Posts posted by -Illuminati-

  1. So I am trying to just make a basic scraper for domains for personal use. I don't know if this is just a thing in the Ubot Creator that is default. I haven't actually compiled it to an EXE because it keeps stopping.


    Can someone check where I am going wrong? You may see "#meter". That was suppose to clear my list after so many cycles since I thought that my list "%exportDomain" was overloaded causing it to stop. I guess not.


    "#cycles" is basically each new page.

    "#position" is counting the offset to scrape each domain.

    "%exportDomain" is the domains scraped.


    You will need an account on http://expireddomains.net


    My credentials were hard coded so I just put UI boxes for you to input your info.


    I cannot copy/paste the entire source code since I have just the Standard version of UBot.


    So I attached it below.

    Register Scraper.ubot


    Someone might have a better way but this should get done what you want:

    set(#trust citation,$scrape attribute(<id="flow_metric_banner">,"innertext"),"Global")
    clear list(%trust citation)
    add list to list(%trust citation,$list from text(#trust citation,$new line),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#trustflow,$list item(%trust citation,1),"Global")
    set(#citation flow,$list item(%trust citation,3),"Global")


    Works perfectly for me.


    I'm using this bot for personal use so the 1/10th of a second lost by this process doesn't bother me. 


    Thanks again!

  3. So I am trying to scrape numbers off of http://majestic.com/


    The citation flow and trust flow numbers.


    Example page:



    When I try to select the element in which to scrape, no HTML appears. Is there another form of approach to this?


    My current command setup to scrape the content:


    set(#trustflow,$scrape attribute(<class="trust_flow_innertext">,"value"),"Global")
    I am also using the standard version of uBot.
  4. I am trying to visit https://searchtrade.com/through UBot, and when I do so, I am presented with the following error message:




    Is there a way I can work around this or am I screwed because its server side issues?






    Well wont be making a bot for the site now, but learning more about this connection reset would be nice.

  5. Ok so I am trying to change a table column with an IP for the bot to use, and so far that is going fine.


    Here is the code for that: 


    set table cell(&accounts,#row,2,$random list item(%proxies))
    Now after that, I need it to remove that list item from its current list using this code: 
    remove from list(%proxies,$list position(%proxies))
    But when it is setting the proxy in set table cell, its choosing random numbers from a list that is non existant.
    If you look at the debugger: http://puu.sh/lrUko/11be2c2243.png
    Looking at row 0 & 2 both have a value of 9 in column 2. But I have no idea where it is generating 9 from. This is the GUI view for the bot.








    If you need help understanding a part please let me know.

  6. If you use Ubot 5 with Chrome 39 it helps. You can then load the comments however the video says to use a different browser. I tried all the user agents and they dont seem to help... but hey the comments work.


    dailymotion doesnt work with ubot 4 however



    Peace :)



    Thanks for responding with information.


    What is the exact useragent of "Chrome 39"? I tried to Google "Chrome 39 User Agent" but not finding anything. I checked out UAS.com : http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/Chrome/and there is no 39.

  7. If you have DEveloper edition as you have in your profile, then I see no reason this wouldn't work out well.


    As a standard user shit never can get made properly or can't fulfill certain simple bot requests for clients.


    Have had to turn down so many because I didn't have 1-2 features of a developer version.

  8. You need to be on Ubot Studio 5.9+ to select Chrome 39 as your browser in the options menu. This script does not work on the version of UBot Studio that you're using.

    Dang... That's really unfortunate. Upgrading isn't the problem. The newer features could really help, but I don't have the funds to do so.


    Has it been tested in the major UA's or is that individual UA the only working one? 

  9. I am trying to create a bot for a client that uses DailyMotion and well, I don't know what is causing this, but when I navigate to DailyMotion videos through UBot, the page doesn't fully load.


    I tried loading this for example: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3e2uy0_new-star-trek-show-dream-crew_fun


    And of that video only the following loads: http://puu.sh/los0H/91cfcd6d7a.png


    I don't care about any of that, I am trying to load the comment section which doesn't seem to work. 


    Any way to solve this, or am I just magically the only one who can't get it to load? I tried manually setting Chrome as a UA as well.

  10. set(#prompt,$prompt("paste CSS path"),"Global")

    run javascript("document.querySelectorAll(\"{#prompt}\")[0].click()")


    make sure to Run Ubot with Chrome 39 in settings(Ubot 5.9+),doesnt work with 21


    Click view in Ubot,and open web inpector,click the magnify glass,on the top left hand side,then click the arrow you want to upvote


    go back to web inspector,the area will be highlighted in blue

    right click the area in blue,and select "copy CSS path"


    example CSS path for the upvote of the main post 

    #thing_t3_3ssu1v > div.midcol.unvoted > div.arrow.login-required.access-required.up


    Doesn't seem to do anything for me. Could you upload the script you used to do it? Possibly I am missing something following your directions.

  11. So I am trying to click the upvote element from a reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/3ssu1v/the_2015_cardinals_are_on_their_way_to_becoming/cx02unv


    And I cannot get it to click the upvote icon even with offset set to 1.


    Someone helped me in another thread by writing Js to click the element.


    So I am trying to do that but having trouble.


    I've combined these sources, but don't know how to piece them together to click the upvote icon for the first comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/3ssu1v/the_2015_cardinals_are_on_their_way_to_becoming/cx02unv





  12. reset account("Any")
    set user agent("Chrome")
    navigate("https://www.reddit.com/register","Don\'t Wait")
    wait for element(<id="user_reg">,30,"Appear")
    wait for element(<id="rem_reg">,30,"Appear")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"user_reg\").setAttribute (\'value\', \'{$account data("Username")}\');")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"passwd_reg\").setAttribute (\'value\', \'{$account data("Password")}\');")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"passwd2_reg\").setAttribute (\'value\', \'{$account data("Password")}\');")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"email_reg\").setAttribute (\'value\', \'{$account data("Email")}\');")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\'rem_reg\').click();")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById('newsletter_subscribe').click();")
    run javascript("javascript:document.getElementById(\"register-form\").submit();")

    Hey man thanks a lot for this. I didn't exactly need the other JS's, but the JS for submit definately did the trick. You're a life saver!

  13. You need to fix the problem

    1. Find the file is not found or the file path is invalid.

    2. Since the 1. list can not be read correctly.

    What I was trying to say is they did not correlate to why it couldn't click the button. But thanks for noticing.

    allow flash("No")


    This will help you for sure .


    Thanks, this might help others, but I don't have developer edition unfortunately.



    set "Click Using Location" = "Yes"

    click(<create account button>,"Left Click","Yes")


    When I do that, and run the command, it quickly does something to the page but doesn't actually create anything. Looks like it shows the homepage zoomed out really quick and thats it.


    I tried to do a gif recording: http://recordit.co/6rCHJ7Y8Ia


    But within it you can't see the page quickly do something.


    The error messages you see in the beginning is because no imported proxy/user agent lists from the add list to list command. (I set the user agent manually for testing).


    As you can see though, it hits the "Click" command and nothing happens.

  15. I am trying to create a bot for reddit, and it needs to create accounts.


    When I run the bot, when it is set to click "Sign Up" it doesn't actually click it.


    I am registering through http://reddit.com/register


    I've tried 


    click(<create account button>,"Left Click","No")
    click(<innertext="SIGN UP">,"Left Click","No")

    I am not sure what else to try. The user agent is set to chrome. I have also tried Firefox, UBot, and IE but none of them change anything at all.



    Thanks for the help UBot Community.


    Ive had this type of button issue with many sites having to turn down clients, but instead of quitting, I am looking for help.

    Yes I have also searched around the website and google for a solution and nothing really gets me anywhere.
  16. now that wouldn't be very ethical would it?... :(

    You're right. But someone wants to buy the bot off me and I would really prefer the cash right now instead of thinking of a few upvotes on his torrents. Some people have good intentions, but they need a way to get themselves out there.


    I just am stuck on the ID to upvote correlation.

  17. I am trying to create a torrent upvoter for torrentz.eu/


    Basically it needs to log in, visit any random torrent, example URL: https://torrentz.eu/1085e6d1523284542207b55161f6770f0f038a0c


    And I am trying to either make it upvote a comment based on input of the users ID name, or the value of their post. (Text).


    I can't figure out how to correlate post value or username to clicking the upvote icon.



    You need to be logged in to vote.


    Can anyone inform me how I should go about doing this?

  18. So a client needs a bot that will log into a gmail account, and scrape every like in the email that contains http://link.com/?RANDOM


    This is my first time doing this and I found a video by Seth here: 


    But when I set it up with GMail that has POP enabled, it doesn't even log in. 




    I have it set to POP with SSL

    Email is GMAIL email.

    Server is pop.gmail.com

    Port is 995



    This is the image I get when submitting the information: http://puu.sh/kXE9Q/18707e7915.png


    I am trying to google/search this forum for a solution and not one thing in the slightest is helping. I did yes visit the URL it gave me, and nothing provides a solution to solve the problem.





    Or is there a more effecient way to connect to Gmail though the browser and scrape all the URL's at once.


    He just needs it to log into one email account.

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