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Everything posted by Asentrix

  1. I personally like using $prompt for logins. For example on load("Bot Loaded") { set(#checkpass, $prompt("Please Enter The Secret Password"), "Global") if(#checkpass = "SecretKeyExample") { then { alert("Login Successful!") comment("Login Was Successful") } else { alert("Login Failed!") comment("Login Failed.") navigate("http://failedloginexample.com", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") stop script } } }Extremely simple but just an example
  2. Wish I could implement that into my bot I've already made , struggling a fair bit haha :/
  3. Don't think it's possible to automate , you could create a macro though , and run it using shell , possibly through autoit or something similar. I did toy around with a bit , but couldn't work out how to move the answers from one box to another. Also the questions seemed to change , so did the answers / ID's , so I don't think you're going to have much luck automating minecraft unfortunately
  4. Would it be possible for ubot to click a certain color? The color would be defined with a hex value. It would also be good if ubot could get the hex code of the color that's under the mouse I saw a script that had a html changing color as the user moved their mouse over certain colors on their screen. Perhaps someone would be able to create a plugin for this , it would be cool
  5. There's no free trial , but you can get a full refund within 30 days if you wish , no questions asked
  6. That doesn't seem to work :l Also with the replace function , I don't think it's able to remove wildcards is it? Eg. /profile/random-string Thanks for the help!
  7. Need help scraping twitch usernames from game directories. There's no exact element to scrape twitch usernames within game directories as far as I can see The only way is to scrape the channel links "/example" and add them to a list Only problem is , when scraping the href using a wildcard , you pick up all the generic / crappy links with it. I was hoping some regex expert could help me filter the href / links on the page? - The page http://www.twitch.tv/directory Any game category works
  8. Looking for a plugin that reads processes , addresses , memories , values etc I saw one for 60$ a while back , but it lacked the ability to display the memory values , it could only write.. It would need to be able to do the following. ♦ Read memory of processes , like cheat engine does in a sense. ♦ Write to memory ♦ Read values etc ♦ Freeze values I'm searching for this , so I can build game trainers for fun , sort of like a side project. If you want some examples , here is an example of how it's done in C#
  9. What's the purpose of this exactly? Not sure what this is really. Seems as though you put a lot of work into it , so good job nonetheless , good luck with sales
  10. Thanks , I just need the progress bar to increment , and reach 100% when the bot is finished , which I can't understand how to do unfortunately. Have you got anything planned in future updates of this builder? Perhaps you could make some tutorials on how to implement features into ubot? Such as progress bar , LED lights etc , it feels like I have to use trial and error until I eventually work out what to do which is pretty time consuming Thanks again!
  11. Rather than using fiddler , I highly suggest using Charles HTTP debugger / monitor It's very simple to use and it's very accurate , you can find the correct request very easily.
  12. It isn't very complicated , the proxies are probably banned , blacklisted , marked or dead. There could also be a delay in the time it takes to show views , not too sure though. I suggest looking around for some high quality sock 5's or some google parsed proxies.
  13. You can set it up manually , as long as the checkbox id's don't change it should be pretty basic. Unsure whether this would work or not , but hopefully you get a rough idea add list to list(%example, $list from file($read file("{$special folder("Desktop")}/example.txt")), "Delete", "Global") set(#currentkeyword, $search page(%example), "Global")
  14. You could scrape the element ID (with a wildcard if needed) then use cmd shell to open the image in chrome etc? Or you could just use load html through a popup possibly?
  15. This definitely needs an update , it's quite buggy sadly , but it does work extremely well most of the time. It would be good if you could add an example of how to use the progress bar accurately. The only way I know how to is add it to a loop and increment it every second which is flawed :/
  16. Solved this , here's an example for future reference. set(#names, $replace($scrape attribute(<class="user-name g-hovercard">, "innertext"), " ", "-"), "Global") Using the command "Set" I created a new variable , I set the value to replace and usernames it scrapes , and change the spaces to - symbols
  17. I'm trying to scrape usernames off of youtube , add them to a list , and save their name as a .html file. Now the problem is , sometimes people have lots of spaces in their names , which messes up the html file.. Is there a way to scrape their names using regex and replace the spaces with a special character , such as a dash?? Eg. - Any help is appreciated
  18. This is the scan result on a file with navigate google.com SHA256: b1140c11f390d84b6cb521fc75f169f751ca8621079d9e6b7f86e4e54208d501 File name: false_positives_nav_only.exe Detection ratio: 5 / 57 Analysis date: 2015-05-23 08:12:33 UTC ( 1 minute ago ) https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/b1140c11f390d84b6cb521fc75f169f751ca8621079d9e6b7f86e4e54208d501/analysis/1432368753/ navigate("http://www.google.com", "Wait") File identification MD5 73ef02b1f59ec683e95872e250b10db2SHA1 c87eb715f427050aaad5d4eab28a02381bc84a5dSHA256 b1140c11f390d84b6cb521fc75f169f751ca8621079d9e6b7f86e4e54208d501ssdeep49
  19. Already read it , unfortunately it's a bit useless :l because of the programs detections , it scares a lot of people off , as well as opens a door for other developers to sales trash. I was recently banned from a marketing website because apparently my file was infected , yet it wasn't , just riddled with ubots false positives.
  20. The server was down , it's back now though obviously , it should compile fine now
  21. When you change attributes , you can change select elements , for example You can change -240 px to -140 Hopefully you understand what I mean It would help if you could post the full code , or some of the source so I can see what you're working with
  22. Actually , it isn't allowing me to upload images through ubot on twitter either. Probably a browser problem. Also I use this program for screenshots / gifs etc https://getsharex.com/
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