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Posts posted by Asentrix

  1. The youtube data api v3 quota is crazy tiny, can barely upload a few videos without exceeding the 10k
    What do you recommend for this conundrum? 
    I've made a quota increase request but chances are I'll be denied since I don't run a buisness, well not a serious one
    I could make a bunch of projects and use multiple api's but thats just extremely inconvenient
    Sucks though, very disappointing as it's ruined a few good ideas I had

  2. How "Human" like is the mouse movement?
    Does it draw random paths with mistakes?
    Does the speed it moves generate randomly?


    I'm looking for essentially undetectable human like mouse movement
    Not mouse movements that move straight from A-B in a perfect line


    Is that possible with this plugin?
    Could you make me a demonstration program with the plugin for me to check out?
    Maybe move mouse around the screen a bit?

  3. Hi Asentrix,


    yes I had to remove google fonts because it was causing the tabs not to work.


    I have recently started on a completely new ui builder and expect to include google fonts with it. I have learnt quite a bit since making the last ui builder and I am very sure that this new one will not have any of those glitches that you mentioned in another thread. :)


    It's going to be a while before I get it finished but I can tell you that it will make creating gui's that look professionally built quicker and easier than with anything available now. Plus will have some other great features that you won't find else-where either.




    Sounds pretty awesome , can't wait to see it :)

  4. What is it you wish to detect?


    Text or an image of some sort?


    If it is text it may be possible with windows commands.


    An example would be opening notepad and scraping the text.


    If it is an image of text or something like a character it would be extremely challenging.

    Well , lets say in the game I want the bot to click a menu icon , so it would need to check if it exists first.

    I would have a picture of the in-game menu icon saved to my pc


    All I want it to do is check the game window to see if the image exists , just like in the browser :P

  5. I was wondering if it were possible to check if something exists outside of the browser?

    I play a game on my PC and I want to check if something exists in the game window.


    Is this possible at all?

    If so , could someone please give me a rough Idea of how to do it?


    I've tried setting the active window and checking if it exists but it didn't seem to work.


    Thanks for any help!

  6.   What cpa template is free? do you meant he website used in the video or the bot source itself?

    Just the website haha not the project , the CPA html theme , incase anyone was curios where you got it :P

  7. Hi,

    I have some parts of my website that are made with iframes. I've tried to click the iframe or its wrapping element, but to no avail.

    Is there a way to click something inside an iframe?

    There's an issue with the awesomium browser supporting Iframe in the browser.. it doesn't seem to work , even with a complete ui html panel it wont work :/

  8. This should be an easy solution.

    On load > add list to list > *new list name* >  list from file > your file >

    Set #dropdown > new list name <- the one you just made


    So you just need to use "set" to update it whenever needed.

  9. What page are you referring too?

    Also , I'm pretty sure one of the free plugins has the ability to resize the browser , I may be wrong though.


    Perhaps you should post what code you have so we get an idea

    If you do so , just use [ code][ /code] tags without spaces too keep it tidy :)

  10. My idea is to create a program that will fill in random items in a pre-defined story and save it to a .txt file. For example,


    A boy named (random list tem) went to the (random list item) and (random list item). Where the bot would select a random list item each time and save it to a .txt file.


    How would I do this? I tried using random list item but it kept throwing me back the entire list.

    Save the words to a txt file on your pc

    Then do the following

    Random list item > read file > special folder > desktop > your words file.txt


    Obviously that's not the exact code, but that works fine :)


    There's another 10 methods that work equally as well but I think that's the easiest IMO

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